Venue: Council Chamber, Fareham Borough Council
Contact: Stuart Baker on 02392 68 8676 Email:
No. | Item |
Introductions and Apologies for Absence (5 minutes) Minutes: Apologies had been received from:
Ex-officio Members Pal Ahluwalia - University of Portsmouth Nick Drew - East Hampshire District Council Graham Galbraith - University of Portsmouth John Henderson - Highways England Debbie Lloyd - Skills Funding Agency Deryn Martin - Skills Funding Agency Di Roberts - Brockenhurst College Chris Ward - Portsmouth City Council - (Accountable Body)
Meeting Notes and Matters Arising PDF 76 KB (5 minutes)
RECOMMENDED that the attached minutes of the previous meeting on 9 December 2015 be agreed. Additional documents: Minutes: RESOLVED that the minutes of the meeting held on 9 December 2015 be agreed. |
Declarations of Interest (5 minutes) Minutes: There were no declarations of interest. |
Update on Transport Investment Plan (20 minutes)
Purpose. To receive a presentation from the Solent LEP updating the Solent Growth Forum on the Transport Investment Plan. Minutes: Stuart Baker, Head of Local Growth, Solent LEP gave a presentation updating the Forum on the Transport Investment Plan. Due to technical difficulties the presentation was not able to be shown on the screen so he advised that the slides would be circulated to the members after the meeting.
The Transport Investment Plan was developed as an independent and objective study and there has been extensive consultation with stakeholders. AECOM have been commissioned to take on the work. The Plan sets out a bold ambition that in the period until 2040 we support and prioritise strategic and transformational transport investment in the Solent area.
The outputs from the Plan are showing that there is an infrastructure deficit in the Solent and that there are significant economic benefits to be derived from investment in transport - and in particular, rail. Due to the increasing population, city regions will need better public transport. Currently the train journey between Portsmouth and Southampton takes an hour, yet the cities are only 20 miles apart. The journey time from Portsmouth to London by rail is also poor.
The Transport Investment Plan will be going to the Solent LEP Board meeting on Friday for approval. Following this the LEP will work with partners to take forward the proposals.
Members of the Forum thanked Stuart for his presentation and had no questions.
Update on Local Growth Fund Programme PDF 204 KB (10 minutes)
Purpose of report
This report updates the Solent Growth Forum on progress being made on the delivery of the Solent Growth Deal. The Solent Growth Forum can find the background to the Growth Deal at Solent Growth Deal and Solent: additional Growth Deal funding factsheet links.
· NOTE the update on the Solent Growth Deal; and · PROVIDE any further advice on the management of the programme going forward · PROVIDE advice to the Executive on the development of a new business support grant fund programme targeting increases in productivity and businesses with high growth potential. · CONSIDERan agenda item at a future meeting updating the Forum on the business support activity of the Solent LEP.
Additional documents: Minutes: Marc Griffin, Head of Capital and Infrastructure, Solent LEP, introduced his report which updated the Forum on progress of the delivery of the Solent Growth Deal. He advised that 2015/16 had been a very positive year with 98.5% of the 2015/16 funding defrayed in year.
In response to a question, Marc advised that a letter from Government confirming the grant funding of £42m had now been received by the LEP. Concern was raised by Stuart Jarvis of HCC about implications of annual grant awards on the delivery of multi-years projects, although Stuart accepted that this resulted in the approach taken by Government to the Local Growth Fund.
Members thanked the Solent LEP team for all their hard work on this.
RESOLVED that: 1. The update on the Solent Growth Deal be noted. 2. Any further advice from members on the management of the programme and the development of a new business support grant fund programme are emailed to Marc Griffin. 3. That an item be included at a future meeting updating the Forum on the business support activity of the Solent LEP.
Presentation on the Dunsbury Hill Farm Local Growth Deal Project (20
minutes) To receive a presentation from the scheme lead updating the Solent Growth Forum on the Dunsbury Hill Farm project, which is being part funded by through the Solent Growth Deal.
Minutes: Martin Lavers Assistant Head of Service (Infrastructure), Portsmouth City Council gave a presentation updating the Forum on progress with the Dunsbury Hill Farm Local Growth Deal Project. Due to the technical issues, his presentation slides were unable to be shown and would be circulated after the meeting.
Martin explained the location of the site and the vision for the site. The link road would be complete in 2016 and £4.54 million from the Solent LEP had been used towards the total cost of £8.54 million. The project will unlock a new and strategic employment site, adjacent to an area of deprivation.
Councillor Jones said she was pleased that Fat Face had signed last Friday to locate their largest UK distribution warehouse on plot 2 on the site. She had also met with an hotelier with regard to the possibility of a 2-3 star hotel being located on the site.
Update on Solent LEP Work Plan Purpose For the Forum to be provided
with an update on the work currently being progressed by the Solent
Minutes: Stuart Baker, Head of Local Growth, Solent LEP informed members that the current work of the Solent LEP included: · Preparing funding agreements for 2016/17 local growth deal schemes; · Reviewing and taking forward projects put forward through the recent autumn 2015 expression of interest call; · The area has been awarded £400k of One Public Estate funding, and the LEP is working with partners to take projects forward and will need the support of the Local Authorities to identify transformational land / property opportunities for future OPE funding. · In relation to business support activity, it is a busy time with Regional Growth Fund projects closing down and new funds being developed. Key metrics delivered through the business support activity of the LEP included: o £7m grant allocated to more than 130 businesses o 70 new businesses started o 1,200 jobs / safeguarding · Within Solent Growth Deal we secured £2m p.a. to continue business support provision and the LEP has worked with X-Forces and Natural Enterprise on two specific funds. The LEP is also working with British Marine on a specific Marine and Maritime SME Growth Fund · To reflect the areas challenges around productivity, the LEP is developing a new High Growth and Productivity SME Growth Fund, which will target improving productivity in existing businesses and providing funding for start-ups with high growth potential
In relation to innovation, Stuart reported that the
LEP has taken the lead on a Broader Solent consortia submission to
take forward a Science and Innovation Audit. This involved working with Dorset LEP, the three
local Uni's, NOC, and key businesses in
the marine, maritime, defence, and photonics sectors. This work will underpin the development of an
Innovation Strategy for the Solent. In response to a question, Stuart advised that the Solent LEP is working with the armed forces to assist ex-service personnel with business start-ups and that applications have been received to this fund.
Future Work Programme Stuart Baker, Head of Local Growth, Solent LEP will give a verbal update on the Future Work Programme. Minutes: Stuart Baker, Head of Local Growth, Solent LEP informed members that the next meeting would include updates on the following issues: · Business support update · Local Growth Fund update · Employer Ownership Programme · Update on another Local Growth Deal Project |
Any Other Business and Close Minutes: There was no other business. The Chair thanked officers for their reports and presentations slides and confirmed these would be emailed to the Solent Growth Forum members. |