Venue: Virtual Remote Meeting. View directions
Contact: Democratic Services 023 9283 4060 Email:
No. | Item |
Apologies |
Declarations of Interest |
Membership Update. |
Matters Arising. |
Minutes of the meeting held on 9 February 2023 PDF 56 KB RECOMMENDED that the minutes of the meeting held on 8 February 2023 be agreed as a correct record. |
Schools Forum Constitution 2023-24 PDF 145 KB Purpose. The purpose of this report is to seek Schools Forum approval to retain the existing constitution attached at Appendix A. The report seeks to update the Schools Forum on the current composition which continues to provide for the appropriate representation between maintained schools and academies within the city.
RECOMMENDED that that Schools Forum retain the current constitution attached at Appendix A which took effect from 25 May 2021.
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Scheme for financing schools PDF 131 KB Purpose. This report outlines the proposed changes to the Scheme for Financing Schools which reflects the revisions to the scheme as outlined in the guidance issued by the Department for Education (DfE).
RECOMMENDED that Schools Forum members representing maintained schools, approve the revised 'Scheme for Financing Schools', attached at Appendix 1, to come into force on 25 May 2023.
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Dedicated Schools Grant 2022-23 Quarter 3 Budget Monitoring PDF 180 KB Purpose The purpose of this report is to inform Schools Forum of the projected revenue expenditure of the Dedicated Schools Grant (DSG) for the current financial year 2022-23 as at the end of December 2022.
RECOMMENDED that the Shools Forum notes the forecast year end budget position for the Dedicated Schools Grant as at 31 December 2022, together with the associated explanations contained within this report.