Venue: City of Portsmouth College, Tangier Road, Portsmouth PO3 6PZ
Contact: Karen Martin 023 9284 1704 Email:
No. | Item |
Welcome and Introductions |
Moment for Quiet Reflection |
Apologies for Absence |
Declaration of Members' Interest |
Minutes of the Previous meeting held on 12 June 2024 PDF 135 KB The SACRE is asked to:
a) Agree the draft minutes of the meeting held on 12 June 2024.
b) Discuss any matters arising from the minutes not covered elsewhere on the agenda. |
SACRE Membership and Member Training report PDF 110 KB Purpose This report updates SACRE regarding its membership, training and other opportunities for the membership.
a) Notes the membership vacancies set out in paragraph 4 of this report and that the Authority continues to approach relevant nominating bodies with a view to appointing additional members.
b) Notes the appointment of Captain Sarah Listers (Salvation Army) to Group A and James Newsam (St Swithun's Catholic Primary School) to Group C.
c) Notes that the SACRE has subscribed to NASACRE for the current academic year, that this allows members to attend its training sessions (set out in Appendix A to this report) and that it is good practice for members to take advantage of training opportunities when possible.
Additional documents: |
SACRE Action Plan 2024-2027 PDF 139 KB Purpose The purpose of this report is to provide a rationale for adopting a three-year action plan and to provide a draft version for SACRE to consider.
RECOMMENDED - that the SACRE adopts the three-year action plan.
SACRE Monitoring Group Report PDF 118 KB Purpose The purpose of this report is to inform SACRE of the findings and discussions that took place during the meeting of the SACRE Monitoring Group on 9 October 2024.
The group received updates on professional RE education and monitoring the effectiveness of RE and an update on implementation of Living Difference IV, including training in RE, was received. The Annual report was also discussed.
RECOMMENDED - that the SACRE notes the findings of the Monitoring Group meeting.
SACRE Code of Conduct PDF 153 KB Purpose The Portsmouth SACRE adopted its Code of Conduct in March 2023. The Code of Conduct is based on the NASACRE exemplar and agreement is sought for SACRE members to agree to its principles for a further academic year.
a) SACRE members individually and collectively endorse the Code of Conduct and the principles it espouses for the next 12 months.
b) That the Code of Conduct is considered again at the first SACRE meeting of the 2024-25 academic year.
SACRE National and Local RE Matters report PDF 124 KB Purpose The purpose of this report is to enable SACRE to consider key national and local RE developments.
RECOMMENDED - that the SACRE notes the report.
SACRE Annual Report 2023-2024 PDF 93 KB Purpose This report provides the SACRE with an opportunity to agree its Annual Report for the academic year 2023-24.
a) Adopts the SACRE Annual Report 2023-24.
b) Recommends that the Cabinet Member for Children, Families and Education notes the SACRE Annual Report 2023-24 by 31 December 2024.
c) Makes a copy available for public inspection (on the Portsmouth City Council website) and sends a copy to the Secretary of State for Education and relevant organisations listed in Appendix B of the report.
Additional documents: |
SACRE Constitution revised 2024 Purpose The draft SACRE Constitution, which it considered at its meeting on 12 June 2024, has been reviewed and agreed the Council's legal team. Councillor Suzy Horton, Cabinet Member for Children, Families and Education, will consider the draft Constitution at her meeting on 30 October 2024. See Agenda for Cabinet Member for Children, Families and Education on Wednesday, 30th October, 2024, 4.00 pm Portsmouth City Council
RECOMMENDED to note that:
a) Subject to the approval of the Cabinet Member for Children, Families and Education on 30 October 2024 the SACRE Constitution will take immediate effect. b) The agreed SACRE Constitution will be made available on the website at Committee details - Standing Advisory Council for Religious Education (SACRE) Portsmouth City Council |
SACRE Allowances Policy and Procedure PDF 159 KB Purpose At its meeting on 12 June 2023, the Portsmouth SACRE agreed to pay reasonable allowances from the SACRE’s delegated budget from Portsmouth City Council to cover any costs that SACRE members incur through carrying out their duties. By adopting this policy, the SACRE aimed to ensure that no member of the community is prevented from becoming a member of the Portsmouth SACRE on the grounds of cost. The attached Policy and Procedures, with minor proposed revisions in red typeface, set out the terms on which such allowances will be paid.
a) To agree the SACRE Allowances Policy and Procedures dated November 2024.
b) To agree to review the SACRE Allowances Policy and Procedures at its meeting to be held in the Summer term of 2027 to take effect from 1 September 2027. |
Dates and venues of future meetings The next meeting will take place at 4.30pm on Wednesday 12 March 2025 at Eastney Evangelical Church, 21 Eastney Rd, Southsea, Portsmouth, Southsea PO4 9JA
Future dates:
Wednesday 2 July 2025 at St Paul's Catholic Primary School, Bourne Road, Portsmouth PO6 4JD
Wednesday 12 November 2025 at St Swithun's Catholic Primary School, Taswell Road, Southsea PO5 2RG
All meetings will take place at 4.30pm. If no venue is available, meetings will take place remotely on Teams.
Dates for 2025-26 will be provided for consideration at the next SACRE meeting.