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Venue: Conference Room A - Civic Offices. View directions

Contact: Peter Smith-Parkyn (023) 9268 8361  Email:

Note: Meeting to start at 5pm (or immediately following the conclusion of the Agreed Syllabus Conference if later) 

No. Item


Welcome and Introductions

The Chair to welcome everyone to the meeting and to introduce any new members to the committee.


Moment for Quiet Reflection

Stephen Horsman is invited to lead on the moment of reflection.


Apologies for Absence

To receive and note any apologies for absence.


Declaration of Members' Interest

Members are asked to identify any pecuniary, prejudicial or personal interests on any matters on the agenda.


Note: Should any indication of an interest arise during the meeting, members are asked to declare at that time, as soon as is practicable.


Minutes of the Previous meeting held on 5 July 2016 pdf icon PDF 31 KB

It is recommended the Council agrees the minutes of the previous meeting held on 5 July 2016 as a correct.


Matters Arising from the minutes


Minute 21 - RE News Letter - Clerk to update

Minute 25 - Religious Education Syllabus Steering Group sub-committee - Clerk to update on membership


Recommended that the updates be noted.


Brief updates or notification of items to be brought to a future meeting

SACRE Members are invited to share briefly, relevant updates and agree any proposed items to bring to a future meeting.


SACRE members are also asked to note the following updates and advise accordingly if they wish to see any matters be brought to a future meeting as a main agenda item:


·         Elizabeth Jenkerson to update on the upcoming NASACRE AGM

·         Question received on whether SACRE has any advice/guidance on approved absence from school on the grounds of religious observance

·         Notes the new user ID and password for SACRE members access to the NASACRE website


Notes the suggested following items member may wish to read, all available on the NASACRE website.

·         The open letter to Justine Greening MP

·         Tell MAMA report

·         APPG Report on Religious Literacy - a reflection

·         The REC launches independent Commission on RE


Recommended that

(1)  the updates are noted and;

(2)  the items identified and agreed be brought to a future SACRE meeting as a main agenda item


Decision of the Agreed Syllabus Conference (2016)

Recommended that SACRE notes the decision of the Agreed Syllabus Conference.


Annual Report 2015/16 pdf icon PDF 407 KB

Recommended that

(1)  the final draft of the SACRE Annual Report 2015/2016 be approved and;

(2)  the clerk circulate final completed version to listed distribution in Appendix D


Extracts of recent OFSTED inspection reports (relating ot RE and SMSC [Social, Moral, Spiritual and Cultural] development])

Extracts of recent Ofsted reports reviewed and collated by the professional adviser.


Recommended that extracts be noted.



Term of Office - Chair and Vice-Chair

At the next scheduled meeting of SACRE (1 March 2017), the two-year term of office for the Chair and Vice-Chair is due for renewal.


SACRE members interested in either position should contact the clerk ahead of the 1 March 2017 meeting to register their interest. 


Date and venue of the next meeting

The date of the next meeting is Wednesday 1 March 2017, starting at 4:30pm. Venue to be confirmed.