Venue: Virtual Remote Meeting. View directions
Contact: Vicki Plytas on 023 9283 4058 Email:
No. | Item |
Apologies for Absence |
Declarations of Members' Interests |
Minutes of the meeting held on 31 January 2020 RECOMMENDED that the minutes of the meeting held on 31 January 2020 be confirmed and signed by the Chair as a correct record. |
The purpose of the report is to request the Panel to review the decision taken by the Cabinet on 6 October 2020 in respect of item 8 on that agenda "Clean Air Zone - Consultation Feedback". (The report which was considered by the Cabinet on 6 October 2020 together with the minute (no 61) of the decision is attached as Appendix 1 to this report.)
Councillors Cal Corkery, Jeanette Smith, Claire Udy, Graham Heaney and Tom Coles have asked that the decision taken by the Cabinet on 6 October 2020 in respect of item 8 on that agenda, "Clean Air Zone - Consultation Feedback" be called in for scrutiny on the basis that they believe that the decision may have been taken based on inaccurate, incorrect or inadequate information.
The Lead Call-in Member is Councillor Cal Corkery. The Lead Cabinet Member is Councillor Gerald Vernon-Jackson.
The decision today is for the panel to determine whether the Cabinet's decision • has been based on inaccurate or incorrect information • has been taken without adequate information
If the panel is satisfied that the decision has not been based on inaccurate or incorrect information, or that it was not taken without adequate information being supplied to enable the Cabinet to reach its decision, then no further action is required and the matter ends here. If the panel is not satisfied on these grounds, the panel may refer the matter back to the Cabinet for reconsideration setting out in writing the nature of its concerns that are to be addressed in conjunction with the original matter.
A report by the City Solicitor is attached with the following documents as appendices: • Report entitled “Clean Air Zone - Consultation Feedback" considered by the Cabinet on 6 October 2020. • Extract from the Decision Notice published on 7 October 2020. • Extract from the Record of Decisions from the Cabinet Meeting held on 6 October 2020 • Procedure note for the meeting (Appendix 2) • Call-in request (Appendix 3)
The relevant members and officers will be in attendance.
RECOMMENDED that the Panel is requested to consider the evidence and decide whether to resolve: either
(1) that no action should be taken in respect of the decision made by the Cabinet on 6 October 2020 or (2) that it should be referred back to Cabinet for reconsideration setting out in writing the nature of its concerns that are to be addressed in conjunction with the original matter.
Additional documents:
Update information report on the work of the themed scrutiny panels The purpose of the report is to update the Scrutiny Management Panel on how Covid 19 has affected the work programmes of the themed scrutiny panels.