Venue: Tournebury Room, Civic Centre Plaza, Havant
Contact: John Haskell - 023 9283 4057
No. | Item |
Apologies for Absence (AI 1) Councillor Keith Evans (Fareham BC); Councillor Rob New (Portsmouth CC); Terry Garvey (Engineer and Surveyor), and Mark Pam (Deputy Engineer & Surveyor). |
Declarations of Members' Interests Minutes: None |
Minutes of the Meeting held on 26 June 2017 PDF 181 KB Attached Minutes: RESOLVED that the minutes of the meeting held on the 26 June 2017 be signed as a correct record. |
Matters Arising from the Minutes not specifically referred to on the Agenda Minutes: None |
Clerk's Items The Clerk to the Joint Committee will report on any matters requiring attention.
(a) Metals Recycling Scheme – Charitable Nomination Minutes: (a) Recycling of Metals Scheme – Charitable Nomination
The Clerk reported that following consultation with members Naomi House Children’s Hospice had been nominated to receive an award under the metals recycling scheme operated by the Institute of Cemetery and Cremation Management. He was pleased to report that an award of £5,000 had now been received for presentation to Naomi House.
Building Works Programme PDF 149 KB Report from the Engineer and Surveyor attached.
RECOMMENDED that the Joint Committee notes the contents of the report. Minutes: (TAKE IN REPORT OF THE ENGINEER AND SURVEYOR)
RESOLVED that the contents of the report be noted. |
North Chapel Refurbishment PDF 210 KB The purpose of the attached report from the Engineer and Surveyor is to update members on the progress of the North Chapel Refurbishment scheme.
RECOMMENDED that the recommendations set out in the report be approved. Minutes: (TAKE IN REPORT OF THE ENGINEER AND SURVEYOR)
Arising from questions, members were advised that there would be a further report to the Joint Committee at the December meeting, which would include examples of linked individual chairs, progress with the refurbishment scheme generally, and procurement arrangements.
RESOLVED that the report be noted. |
Manager and Registrar's Report PDF 125 KB (a) General Report attached
(b)Monitoring Register of Public Comments
(c) Any other items of topical interest Minutes: (a) General Statistical Report
The Manager and Registrar again updated members on the increasing popularity of early morning ‘walk through’ funerals.
RESOLVED that the report be received and noted.
(b) Environmental Issues
Arising from his statistical report and in response to questions the Manager and Registrar referred to the levels of energy used which were largely determined by the regulatory requirements of cremation. The possibility of utilising waste heat in the heating of buildings (and minimise the overall consumption of gas) had previously been identified within the Crematorium’s current Development Plan, which had been approved by members. Provision had already been made to achieve this subject to some further engineering works that would be required.
RESOLVED that the relevant officers’ report back to a future meeting on the further works required including costings to fully implement utilising waste heat in the heating of the Crematorium.
(c) Any other items of topical interest – public comments register
The Manager and Registrar reported that since June 2017 the following main comments had been received - · An email of thanks for an informative ‘behind the scenes’ tour of the crematorium; · A thank you card for being looked after when taken poorly during a service; · A complainant was advised that Post 82 was not overgrown but in full growth and would be pruned in a few months; · A complainant that posies had been removed prematurely was advised that gardeners clear dead flowers on a weekly basis; · A telephone call thanking a member of staff for patience in choosing a location and scattering of ashes; · A complaint that no member of staff was available (due to other commitments) to show a member of the public the garden area; · A written apology was made following a complaint that a CD was not available at the start of a service, due to a misunderstanding between the funeral director and chapel attendant; · A complainant that items had been allegedly removed from a garden store was advised of the system in operation for holding items removed from the grounds; · A complaint about an overgrown shrub on the North Border was passed to the Horticultural Consultant for consideration.
RESOLVED that the report be noted with interest |
Horticultural Consultant's Report PDF 119 KB A report from the Horticultural Consultant on grounds maintenance generally is attached. Minutes: (TAKE IN REPORT OF THE HORTICULTURAL CONSULTANT)
In submitting his report the Horticultural Consultant drew particular attention to the theft of equipment from the garage used by the contractor and the action taken to protect the building.
RESOLVED that the report be received and approved. |
Retirement of Engineer and Surveyor & Deputy Engineer and Surveyor to the Joint Committee (Exempt Item) Before considering this item the Joint Committee will be asked to pass the following resolution –
RECOMMENDED that the public be excluded from the meeting during this item of business because it is likely that if members of the public were present there would be disclosure to them of ‘exempt information’ within paragraph 1 of Part 1 of Schedule 12A of the Local Government Act 1972.
The purpose of the attached report from the Clerk is to advise that Terry Garvey, the Engineer and Surveyor, and Mark Pam, the Deputy Engineer and Surveyor to the Joint Committee will both be retiring on the 31 December 2017, and to report on future advice & reporting arrangements to the Committee. Minutes: (TAKE IN REPORT OF THE CLERK)
In submitting his report the Clerk explained the arrangements to record formally the service given by both the Engineer and Surveyor and his deputy.
RESOLVED (1) that the Joint Committee places on record its grateful thanks to Terry Garvey for his 34 years’ service as Engineer and Surveyor and to Mark Pam for his 7½ years’ service as Deputy Engineer and Surveyor to the Joint Committee, and wishes them both a long and happy retirement.
(2) that it be noted that for the future Fareham Borough Council’s Property Manager (Ian Cousins) will report direct to the Joint Committee in respect of Crematorium building works, capital equipment and maintenance programmes and related matters. |
Portchester Crematorium Grounds Maintenance Contract PDF 213 KB Before considering this item the Joint Committee will be asked to pass the following resolution –
RECOMMENDED that the public be excluded from the meeting during consideration of the appendices to the report because it is likely that if members of the public were present there would be disclosure to them of ‘exempt information’ within paragraph 3 of Part 1 of Schedule 12A of the Local Government Act 1972.
The purpose of the attached report from the Clerk is to advise on the tenders received and a recommendation for the provision of horticultural grounds maintenance services when the current contract ends on the 31 December 2017.
RECOMMENDED that the report be received and noted. Minutes: Before considering this item the Joint Committee -
RESOLVED that the public be excluded from the meeting during consideration of appendices 1 & 2 to the report because it is likely that if members of the public were present there would be disclosure to them of ‘exempt information’ within paragraph 3 of Part 1 of Schedule 12A of the Local Government Act 1972.
The Clerk explained that the purpose of his report was to advise on the tenders received and a recommendation for the provision of horticultural grounds maintenance services when the current contract ends on the 31 December 2017.
Richard Lock, Senior Procurement Professional at Portsmouth City Council gave a detailed explanation of the procedure and process that had been followed to invite and evaluate the tenders received, the details of which were described in his report (Exempt Appendix 1) to the Clerk’s open report.
Members gave consideration to the report and appendices, and following questions which were answered by officers it was -
RESOLVED (1) that having considered the evaluation of the tenders received, as set out in the exempt appendix 1 to the Clerk’s Report, the contract for horticultural and grounds maintenance services from 1 January 2018 be awarded to Tenderer D;
(2) that Portsmouth City Council on behalf of the Joint Committee be authorised to enter into the contract and complete the necessary legal documentation. |
Date of Next Meeting - Monday 11 December 2017 at 2pm, in Portsmouth Minutes: RESOLVED that the next meeting be held at 2pm on Monday 11 December 2017 in Portsmouth |
JH/me 18 September 2017 106180917m.doc |