Venue: Gosport
Contact: John Haskell, Clerk to the Joint Committee 023 9283 4913
No. | Item | |||||
Appointment of Chairman It is the policy of the Joint Committee to adopt a rotating basis for the appointment of chairman and vice chairman. The Chairman for the 2014/15 municipal year should therefore be appointed from one of Fareham’s. Minutes: RESOLVED that Councillor Leslie Keeble (Fareham Borough Council) be appointed Chairman for the 2014/15 municipal year.
(Councillor Leslie Keeble in the Chair) |
Appointment of Vice-Chairman The Vice-Chairman should be appointed from one of Havant’s representatives as it will be Havant’s turn to act as Chairman for the 2015/16 municipal year. Minutes: RESOLVED that Councillor Tony Briggs (Havant Borough Council) be appointed vice-chairman for the 2014/15 municipal year. |
Declarations of Members' Interests Minutes: None. |
Minutes of the Meeting held on 10 March 2014 PDF 172 KB … Attached Minutes: RESOLVED that the minutes of the meeting held on the 10 March 2014 be signed as a correct record. |
Matters Arising from the Minutes not specifically referred to on the Agenda |
Clerk's Items The Clerk to the Joint Committee will report on any matters requiring attention. Minutes: None. |
Portchester Crematorium Joint Committee - Annual Report - 2013/14 PDF 239 KB The purpose of the attached report by the Clerk is to place on record and inform members of the principal work of the Joint Committee during the 2013/14 financial year.
RECOMMENDED that the annual report for the 2013/14 financial year be noted and received and it be sent for information to each constituent authority. Minutes: (TAKE IN REPORT OF THE CLERK TO THE JOINT COMMITTEE)
RESOLVED that the annual report for the 2013/14 financial year be noted and received and it be sent for information to each constituent authority. |
Comprehensive Income and Expenditure Statement 2013/14 PDF 249 KB The purpose of the attached report from the Treasurer is to review the Joint Committee’s revenue income and expenditure for the year ending 31 March 2014. RECOMMENDED that the contents of the report be noted. Minutes: (TAKE IN REPORT OF THE TREASURER)
The Deputy Treasurer presented the report, and arising out of discussion mention was made of the likely reduction in income following the opening of the Oaks Crematorium; the situation of which was being monitored.
RESOLVED that the contents of the report be noted. |
Annual Return for the Financial Year Ended 31 March 2014 PDF 299 KB The purpose of the attached report from the Treasurer is to advise that the Joint Committee’s accounts have been prepared in compliance with the format prescribed by the Accounts and Audit (England) Regulations 2011. Section 2 of the document includes the Annual Governance Statement. A background paper is attached to the statement as an appendix giving a short explanation of the key components upon which the Joint Committee can rely in agreeing the Annual Governance Statement. RECOMMENDED that the Annual Return for the financial year ending 31 March 2014 be approved and signed as appropriate, as follows -
(a) Section 1 - Accounting Statements for Portchester Crematorium Joint Committee be approved and signed;
(b) Section 2 - Annual Governance Statement be approved and signed;
(c) Section 4 - Annual Internal Audit Report be noted.
Engineer and Surveyor's Report - Planned Maintenance Programme - Progress Report PDF 132 KB At the meeting on 10 March 2014, under exempt minute 573, the Joint Committee received a report regarding the Building Surveying Consultancy Service, the contract for which (following a one year extension) expired on 31 March 2014. To ensure continuity of building consultancy support services in the short term Fareham Borough Council’s Building Services were formally requested to provide interim support until a longer term solution is put in place. The arrangements subsequently made with Fareham BC are progressing satisfactorily. A report by the Engineer and Surveyor in respect of progress being made on the planned maintenance programme and related matters is in the course of preparation and will be circulated. RECOMMENDED that the Joint Committee notes the contents of the report.
Crematorium South Chapel Refurbishment As part of the Joint Committee’s initiatives in respect of developing and enhancing the Crematorium’s services it has been agreed to ask a design consultant to advise on décor and decoration for the South Chapel. Members have previously been consulted informally on a range of design principles. Robert Benn, of Robert Benn Associates, will brief members on progress with bringing forward a scheme of refurbishment works. RECOMMENDED that following the briefing, members be asked to consider and agree the next steps to progress a scheme of refurbishment of the South Chapel.
Minutes: Members were reminded that as part of the Joint Committee’s initiatives in respect of developing and enhancing the Crematorium’s services it was agreed to ask a design consultant to advise on décor and decoration for the South Chapel. Members had previously been consulted informally on a range of design principles, to enable a scheme to be worked up to presentation stage.
Robert Benn, of Robert Benn Associates, gave members a briefing on progress with bringing forward a scheme of refurbishment works for the interior of the South Chapel, and during the presentation drawings were shown and the following main points were made -
· The design features proposed aimed to respect the 1950’s style of building;
· Wood panelling was proposed to be affixed to parts of the walls, and this would be demountable and durable so that when necessary access could be obtained to services;
· The provision of lighting would be a key feature;
· The use of the correct type of timber should improve acoustics;
· The panelling would be pre-fabricated off site;
· New carpeting to be provided;
· The estimated cost, excluding fees and VAT, was £175,000, and this sum recognised the degree of weekend and out of hours working.
During the presentation Mr Benn answered questions from members to clarify points of detail. These included the importance of the choice of wood to be used.
The Clerk explained that if members wished to proceed it would be appropriate to formally appoint Robert Benn Associates so that the scheme could be progressed. In addition it was suggested that authority be given to make financial provision within the current estimates and to authorise the scheme to be undertaken. However, the Clerk emphasised that the scheme would be kept under review by the officers and further reports, as necessary, brought forward to members before work was initiated on site.
RESOLVED (1) That Robert Benn Associates be thanked for their presentation of proposals for the refurbishment of the South Chapel and that the design principles for the scheme of refurbishment for the South Chapel be approved.
(2) That Robert Benn Associates (RBA) be appointed to progress the design scheme on appropriate terms and conditions to be settled by the Engineer and Surveyor after consultation with the Clerk to the Joint Committee and the Treasurer.
(3) That financial provision of £175,000 plus professional fees and VAT for the estimated cost of implementing the scheme be made in the Joint Committee’s budget for 2014/15.
(4) That authority be given for the scheme to be undertaken and supervised by Fareham Borough Council’s Building Services. |
Manager and Registrar's Report PDF 123 KB (a) General Report attached
(b) Any other items of topical interest Minutes: (a) General Statistical Report
RESOLVED that the report be received and noted.
(b) Any other items of topical interest
Arising from consideration of the statistical report the Manager and Registrar gave members a general indication of the likely number of cremations that would be undertaken during the calendar year. He also reported that the slight reduction in the daily number of cremations had enabled four extended time slots to be introduced each day in the South Chapel – 2 in the morning and 2 in the afternoon, each of 45 minutes duration. This arrangement had now stopped service over-runs and ensured, so far as possible, that services kept to their advertised times.
RESOLVED that the report be received and noted. |
Publication of Cremation Records On-Line PDF 118 KB The purpose of the attached report from the Manager and Registrar is to advise members of a proposal to have the cremation records published on-line. RECOMMENDED the proposal set out in the report to make available the cremation records on-line be approved, and the Manager and Registrar be authorised to finalise the arrangements.
Additional documents: Minutes:
Video Streaming of Services Through the Internet In September 2013 the Joint Committee approved, as part of a report on developing and enhancing the crematorium’s services, the provision of secure internet streaming of funeral services for any family requesting it. Members authorised the Manager and Registrar, in consultation with the Clerk to the Joint Committee, to finalise the arrangements including the necessary security safeguards for the provision of this service. The purpose of the attached report by the Manager and Registrar is to update members and outline a proposal to install the necessary equipment.
RECOMMENDED that the proposal set out in the report be approved.
Horticultural Consultant's Report PDF 100 KB A report from the Horticultural Consultant on grounds maintenance generally is attached. RECOMMENDED that the report be received and noted.
Crematorium Mercury Abatement Project The Engineer and Surveyor will provide an update on any outstanding matters including sound insulation mitigation works referred to in minute 571 considered at the meeting on 10 March 2014.
RECOMMENDED that the Joint Committee receives and notes the report.
Minutes: The Deputy Engineer and Surveyor updated the Joint Committee on the outstanding matter regarding sound insulation mitigation works referred to in minute 571, considered at the meeting on 10 March 2014.
Regrettably the new solution had not progressed as quickly as expected. Fareham Borough Council’s Building Services team, who had recently been appointed to deal with building services and maintenance related matters, were now taking this forward as a priority. They were now pursuing a solution with the manufacturer of the mercury abatement equipment and with acoustic engineers, as well as the Environmental Health officer responsible for noise issues.
Reference was made to the need to ensure that nearby residents were advised of the action being taken to install sound mitigation. The Clerk explained that he had prepared a letter for circulation, which was read to the Joint Committee.
RESOLVED that the action being taken to carry out sound mitigation works be noted, and that local residents be advised of the action being taken. |
Grievance and Disciplinary Appeals Committee - Appointment of Representatives To appoint 3 members and 3 standing deputies to serve on the Appeal Committee, as agreed on 14 June 2010 under minute 360.
Minutes: RESOLVED that Councillors Leslie Keeble, Alan Scard and Dennis Wright be appointed, (together with Councillors Keith Evans and Tony Briggs as standing deputies) to serve on the Appeals Committee, as agreed on 14 June 2010 under minute 360. |
Horticultural Grounds Maintenance Contract Before considering this item the Joint Committee will be asked to pass the following resolution –
RECOMMENDED that the public be excluded from the meeting during this item of business because it is likely that if members of the public were present there would be disclosure to them of ‘exempt information’ within paragraph 3 of Part 1 of Schedule 12A of the Local Government Act 1972.
It has previously been reported to the Joint Committee that the contract for the provision of horticultural and grounds maintenance services expires in December 2014.
The Horticultural Consultant will update members on the way forward.
RECOMMENDED that the Horticultural Consultant’s report be received and noted.
Minutes: Before considering this item the Joint Committee –
RESOLVED that the public be excluded from the meeting during this item of business because it is likely that if members of the public were present there would be disclosure to them of ‘exempt information’ within paragraph 3 of Part 1 of Schedule 12A of the Local Government Act 1972.
The Joint Committee was reminded that the contract for the provision of horticultural and grounds maintenance services would expire in December 2014. Vince Venus, Portsmouth’s Street Environment and Parks Manager updated members on the outcome of negotiations with the current contractor for a two year extension of the existing contract until the end of December 2016, on similar terms and conditions, but would produce a modest saving resulting from a change to the inflation indices.
Extending the contract would allow for it to be aligned with other Portsmouth City Council contracts so that concurrent procurement could be undertaken, but with the crematorium grounds maintenance being a discrete lot as part of the overall contract.
RESOLVED that the action taken by Portsmouth City Council’s Procurement Service be noted and the action taken to extend the current grounds maintenance contract until December 2016 be approved. |
Dates of Future Meetings RECOMMENDED that the Joint Committee meets at 2pm on a rotating basis on the following dates in 2014/15, at the venues indicated –
Monday 15 September 2014 (Havant) Monday 15 December 2014 (Portsmouth) Monday 16 March 2015 (Fareham) Monday 15 June 2015 (Gosport) Minutes: RESOLVED that the Joint Committee meets at 2pm on a rotating basis on the following dates in 2014/15, at the venues indicated –
Monday 15 September 2014 (Havant) Monday 15 December 2014 (Portsmouth) Monday 16 March 2015 (Fareham) Monday 15 June 2015 (Gosport).