
Planning Committee - Wednesday, 21st August, 2024 10.30 am

Venue: Council Chamber - The Guildhall, Portsmouth. View directions

Contact: Democratic Services  Email:

Note: Please accept our apologies, but unfortunately due to a technical issue there is no webcast for this meeting 

No. Item



Supplementary Matters Report pdf icon PDF 96 KB


Declaration of Members' Interests


Minutes of the meeting held 31 July 2024 pdf icon PDF 112 KB


23/01574/FUL Application 1 and 23/01575/FUL Application 2 - Somers Orchard Development pdf icon PDF 2 MB

Two applications have been submitted for the Somers Orchard development as part of an overall masterplan:


23/01574/FUL - Application 1 - Site of the Former Horatia and Leamington Towers, on Land at and surrounded by St Paul's Road, Wiltshire Street, Waltham Street, Melbourne Place, Earlsdon Street, Sackville Street, Astley Way, Park Street and Meriden Road


Demolition of the existing Gibson Centre building and construction of three new buildings (A,C and D), ranging in height from 3 to 18 storeys (excluding roof plant & flues) to provide new affordable homes (Use Class C3), new and replacement community space (Use Class F2) and flexible ground floor commercial space (Use Class E), new communal and public open space, new and enhanced children's play space and other landscape, drainage and ecological enhancements, new and replacement car and cycle parking, lighting and all other associated infrastructure works, including closure to vehicular traffic to parts of Melbourne Place and Wiltshire Street, and conversion of two-way roads to one-way at Waltham Street, Meriden Road, Earlsdon Street, Sackville Street, and formation of parking access point off Earlsdon Street.


23/01575/FUL - Application 2 - site of the Former Melbourne Place Car Park and part of land associated with the Former Leamington Tower, land at Wiltshire Street, Waltham Street, and Melbourne Place


Redevelopment involving the construction of mixed-use buildings ranging in height from 10 to 32 storeys (excluding roof plant & flues) to provide commercial space (use Class E) at ground floor level and mixed tenure build to rent homes (use Class C3) above; landscape, drainage and ecological enhancements, car and cycle parking, lighting and all other associated infrastructure works.



Additional documents:


24/00590/FUL - 43 Allaway Avenue Portsmouth PO6 3PR pdf icon PDF 697 KB

Change of use from dwellinghouse (Class C3) to 8 bed/8 person House in Multiple Occupation (Sui Generis).



24/00696/FUL - 27 Balfour Road Portsmouth PO2 0DH pdf icon PDF 576 KB

Change of use from dwellinghouse (Class C3) to House in Multiple Occupation (Class C4).



24/00257/FUL - 38 Collington Crescent Portsmouth PO6 4BH pdf icon PDF 859 KB

Change of use from a dwellinghouse (Class C3) to a 10-bed/10-person House in Multiple Occupation; construction of single storey rear extension and part single/part 2 storey side extension; dormer window to rear elevation; changes to doors & fenestration.