Venue: Council Chamber - The Guildhall, Portsmouth. View directions
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No. | Item |
Apologies |
Declaration of Members' Interests |
Minutes of the previous meeting held on 13 September 2023 PDF 117 KB |
23/00855/FUL 85 Chichester Road, Portsmouth PO2 0AG PDF 483 KB Change of use from a class C3 dwellinghouse to a 8-bed/ 8 person house in multiple occupation.
23/00706/FUL 281 Chichester Road, Portsmouth PO2 0AW PDF 234 KB Change of use from dwellinghouse (class C3) to purposes falling within class C3 (dwellinghouse) or class C4 (house in multiple occupation).
23/00320/FUL 275 Laburnum Grove, Portsmouth PO2 0EY. PDF 504 KB 23/00320/FUL Change of use from dwellinghouse (class C3) to purposes falling within class C3 (dwellinghouse) or class C4 (house in multiple occupation)
23/ 00963FUL Almondsbury Road, Portsmouth PO6 4LZ PDF 379 KB Construction of 3no. access ramps to the verge of Almondsbury Road. |
Application to vary condition 1 (approved plans) of planning permission 22/01720/VOC: flood and coastal erosion management scheme comprising a combination of vertical sea wall, raising and realignment of the promenade, construction of stepped revetment, rock armour revetments and groynes, secondary defence walls and bunds, beach widening and management, and all associated works, highway alterations, removal of trees and landscaping. Scheme includes the removal and repositioning of 34No. grade II listed lamp columns, 3no. grade II listed shelters and 5no. grade listed monuments, works affecting the grade II listed South Parade Pier, regrading and works to the grade II listed Southsea Common and works to the grade I listed naval memorial. This application under section 73 of the town and country planning act 1990, seeks approval of amended plans relating to sub-frontage 3 (Southsea Common) and is accompanied by the original environmental statement (July 2019) with the first addendum (May 2021), second addendum (December 2022) and new addendum (July 2023) and updated appendices.
Southsea West Beach, Clarence Esplanade, Southsea.
Note: the attached report is for this and the next two applications. |
23/00897/LBC Removal and Repositioning of 5no. grade II listed monuments, to include new plinths, along the seafront at Clarence Esplanade. |
23/00898/LBC Works to the Grade I Listed Portsmouth Naval War Memorial to include raising of existing planters and seating (to south of memorial), provision of new level access from the new raised promenade, installation of recessed flood board fixing channels and associated re-grading of Southsea Common. |