
Planning Committee - Wednesday, 2nd August, 2023 10.30 am

Venue: Council Chamber - The Guildhall, Portsmouth. View directions

Contact: Democratic Services  Email:


No. Item




Minutes of the previous meeting held on 12 July 2023 pdf icon PDF 176 KB

RECOMMENDED that the minutes of the meeting held on 12 July 2023 be agreed as a correct record.


Declaration of Members' Interests

Supplementary Matters List pdf icon PDF 47 KB


23/00556/DOC - Southsea Seafront from The Pyramids in the West to Speakers Corner in The East pdf icon PDF 275 KB

Application to seek approval of details reserved by conditions 2 (Phasing Plan), 3 (Potential for soil contamination), 5a and b (Archaeology), 17 (Soft landscaping scheme), 19 (Drainage), 20 (Construction Environmental Management Plan), 21 (Construction Traffic Management Plan), 22 (External lighting), 23 (Street furniture and walls), 25 (Hard surfacing materials), 30 (Reinstatement of listed shelters), 35 (Scale of secondary defences) and 37 (Scale of primary defences) of planning permission 22/01720/VOC.


22/00775/HOU 19 Garden Lane, Southsea PO5 3DP pdf icon PDF 430 KB

Construction of single storey rear extension (including mezzanine level) to provide annexe accommodation, following partial removal of exising single storey outbuilding.


23/00498/FUL - 16 North End Avenue, Portsmouth PO2 9EB pdf icon PDF 697 KB

Change of use from dwellinghouse (Class C3) to a 7-bed/7-person House in Multiple Occupation, with changes to rear fenestration.


23/00610/FUL - 1 Oliver Road, Southsea PO4 9BY pdf icon PDF 618 KB

Change of use from a Class C3 dwellinghouse to a 8-bed/8-person House in Multiple Occupation; construction of single storey rear extension following removal of existing and garage and construction of boundary wall (resubmission of 23/00099/FUL).


23/00244/FUL - 35 Pembroke Road, Portsmouth PO1 2NS pdf icon PDF 55 KB

Change of use from dwellinghouse (Class C3) to governmental offices (Class E(g)(i)), external alterations to include replacement windows and porch; installation of access ramp, landscaping and new car park facilities.


23/00684/FUL - H & E Car Spares (breakers Yard) Alchorne Place, Portsmouth PO3 5QL pdf icon PDF 94 KB

Change of use from car breakers yard (Sui Generis) to waste vehicle storage (Class B8) incorporating adjoining properties into a single planning unit (following demolition of existing boundary walls and outbuildings); installation of security fences to west and east boundaries.


23/00487/FUL - Amenity Area, The Hard, Portsmouth PO1 3PU pdf icon PDF 280 KB

Construction of memorial obelisk.