Venue: Council Chamber - The Guildhall, Portsmouth. View directions
Contact: Democratic Services 023 9283 4060 Email:
No. | Item |
Apologies |
Declaration of Members' Interests |
Minutes of the previous meeting held on 18 January 2023. RECOMMENDED that the minutes of the meeting held on 18 January 2023 be agreed as a correct record. |
Supplementary Matters List Additional documents: |
21/00645/FUL 56 Margate Road, Southsea PO5 1EZ
Change of use from house in multiple occupation (Class C4) to house in multiple occupation for seven people (sui generis).
22/01607/FUL 41 Margate Road, Southsea PO5 1EZ
Change of use from house in multiple occupation (class C4) to a 7 bedroom house in multiple occupation (sui generis).
21/01760/FUL 31 Powerscourt Road, Portsmouth PO2 7JE Change of use from house in multiple occupation (class C4) to sui generis HMO use for more than 6 persons. |
20/00753/FUL 32 Telephone Road, Portsmouth PO4 0AY
Change of use from C4 house of multiple occupation (3 to 6 persons) to sui generis house in multiple occupation for more than 6 persons. |
22/00957/FUL 32 Victoria Rd South, Southsea PO5 2BT
Change of use from house in multiple occupation for seven persons (sui generis) to house in multiple occupation for eight persons (sui generis). |
22/01644/FUL 58 Gladys Avenue, Portsmouth PO2 9BQ Change of use from house in multiple occupation (class C4) to an 8 bedroom house in multiple occupation (sui generis).
22/01650/FUL 48 Wallington Road, Portsmouth PO2 0HB
Change of use from purposes falling within classes C3 (dwelling house) or C4 (HMO) to 7 person/ 7 bedroom house in multiple occupancy (sui generis).
22/01446/FUL 147 Manners Road, Southsea PO4 0BD Change of use from house in multiple occupation (class C4) to 7 person house in multiple occupation (sui generis).
22/01458/FUL 293 Twyford Avenue, Portsmouth PO2 8PD Change of use from class C3 (dwelling house)/ class C4 (house in multiple occupation) to 8 person house in multiple occupation (sui generis).
22/00233/HMO 13 Wyndcliffe Road, Portsmouth PO4 0LA Planning Enforcement: Delegated report to resolve HMO investigation. |
23/00002/GPDC - 79 St Pirans Avenue, Portsmouth PO3 6JE. The prior determination of details of a larger home extension following the 'prior notification' procedure.
The Chair of the Planning Committee has agreed for the addition of this item of urgent business at the request of the request of Councillor Sanders. It is an application for the prior determination of details of a larger home extension following the 'prior notification' procedure. This type of planning application is automatically approved six weeks after it is received by the Council unless a decision is formally issued to the contrary, and as Councillor Sanders has asked for Planning Committee to make that decision it has been added to this agenda without the normal five days prior publication. The matter cannot be delayed until the next planning committee, in March, as it would by that time already have been automatically approved in accordance with the General Permitted Development Order.
The report will be circulated at the meeting.