Agenda and draft minutes

Planning Committee - Wednesday, 18th June, 2014 2.00 pm

Venue: Council Chamber - The Guildhall, Portsmouth. View directions

Contact: Joanne Wildsmith 0239283 4057  Email:

No. Item


Apologies for absence


These had been received from Councillor Gerald Vernon-Jackson who was represented by Councillor Hugh Mason as his standing deputy and from Councillor Frank Jonas who was represented by his standing deputy, Councillor Robert New.


Declaration of Members' Interests


Councillors Sandra Stockdale and Les Stevens declared that they were ward councillors for St Thomas however this is not a pecuniary or personal interest and they would keep an open mind.


The chair gave his introductory information and invited introductions from members of the committee and supporting officers.  He also reported that there would be recording of the meeting by the media however this would not include filming of the deputations.


Planning Application: 14/00489/FUL The Camber East Street Portsmouth - Mixed use development to include the erection of a building to incorporate Class B1(c) light industrial and Class B1(b) research and development uses, team headquarters comprising Class B1(a) offices and meeting rooms, training and medical facilities, public access and viewing facilities and associated external hardstanding and car parking following the demolition of existing buildings
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A report by the City Development Manager is attached.


The City Development Manager reported that there had been a site visit the previous evening which had been well attended and members' attention was drawn to the supplementary matters list which gave the following additional information, which included additional highway comments and amended detail regarding conditions:


(i)            Amended plans


The site boundary has been amended to exclude the parking spaces along Trimmers Court. This removes the requirement to obtain a formal stopping up order and retains 11 car parking spaces for public use. As such, the following plans have been amended:


·         Site Location Plan - 14.001.101 A

·         Site Plan - 14.001.102 B

·         Site Management Plan - 14.001.103 C


(ii)          Further comments from the Highways department


Further comments have been received in response to the amended site boundary which were attached to the Supplementary Matters list.


In summary, the Highways department are satisfied with the removal of 11 spaces along Trimmers Court from the site boundary. These, along with the parking spaces that would be provided for the public house and the dry boat storage, make adequate public parking provision and retain the option for the authority to define these either as shared use or resident only spaces.


With regards to the parking provision for BAR employees, this would continue to be sufficient following the removal of the 11 spaces along Trimmers Court from the site boundary. The applicant has demonstrated that a maximum of 50 parking spaces would be required for staff. This is a lesser parking accumulation than may ordinarily be associated with an unfettered B1 use of this scale.


With regards to the revised Site Management Plan, this is not sufficiently detailed to determine whether or not the spaces fronting East Street compromise the highways boundary. There is scope to remodel the car park to ensure that this boundary is not compromised whilst retaining sufficient parking to serve the proposed development. The Highways department have recommended a condition is imposed to require the submission of detailed plans concerning the remodelling of the car park. This is addressed by Condition 7.


(iii)         Amendments to conditions


Condition 7 has been amended since the committee report was published to reflect the amended site boundary and to address the further highways comments. This is now as follows:


Condition: Before any part of the development is first brought into use the car parking spaces and access thereto shown on the approved site layout plan (or such alternative parking layout as may be submitted to and agreed in writing with the Local Planning Authority), including not less than 3 'disabled' parking bays, shall have been surfaced in materials/finishes shown on the approved schedule pursuant to condition 10, marked out and made available for use; and these parking spaces shall thereafter be retained.


Reason: To ensure adequate provision is made for parking in the interests of highway safety in accordance with policies PCS17 and PCS23 of the Portsmouth Plan and the aims and objectives of the NPPF.


Condition 22 has also been added  ...  view the full minutes text for item 71.