Venue: Virtual Remote Meeting. View directions
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No. | Item |
Apologies for Absence |
Declarations of Members' Interests |
Minutes of the meeting held on 3 March 2020 PDF 316 KB RECOMMENDED that the minutes of the meeting held on 3 March 2020 be approved and signed by the Chair as a correct record. |
Financial Impact of Covid 19 Pandemic PDF 380 KB
The report is brought to this committee for information only.
The purpose is to:
· Describe the overall forecast financial impact of the Covid -19 pandemic in 2020/21 · Explain the extent of the financial support that has been provided by the Council in response to the pandemic and the approach taken · As a consequence of the Covid-19 pandemic, evaluate the financial resilience of the Council and its exposure to the prospect of the S.151 Officer issuing a Section 114 Notice · Propose a financial strategy to Cabinet to remain within the Budget parameters approved by the City Council in February 2020
The report is for noting. |
Draft Annual Governance Statement PDF 126 KB The purpose of the report is to seek approval from the Governance and Audit and Standards Committee for the council's draft Annual Governance Statement (AGS) for 2019/20.
RECOMMENDED that the Governance and Audit and Standards Committee are asked to agree the Annual Governance Statement 2019/20 (Appendix 1).
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External audit 2019 to 20 Audit Planning report update PDF 1 MB External Audit update report for information only. |
Summary of Procurement Compliance Figures/Covid 19 impact - information report. PDF 183 KB The purpose of the report is to provide evidence to allow the committee to evaluate the extent that Portsmouth City Council is producing contracts for goods, works and services in a legally compliant value for money basis.
The report is for information only. |
Audit Plan 2020/21 - Updates/changes as a result of COVID-19. PDF 133 KB This report is to update the Governance and Audit and Standards Committee on the revised Internal Audit Plan for 2020/21.
In addition, the report notes how internal audit will conduct post COVID-19 assurance work which will influence both the Annual Audit Opinion 2020/21 and the Annual Governance Statement 2019/20 & 2020/21. .
RECOMMENDED thatMembers note the changes to the Audit Plan 2020/21.
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Audit Performance Status Report to 30th June 2020 & Annual Audit Opinion 2019/20. PDF 129 KB Purpose (1) This report is to update the Governance and Audit and Standards Committee on the Internal Audit Performance for 2019/20 to 30th June 2020 against the Annual Audit Plan, highlight areas of concern and areas where assurance can be given on the internal control framework. (2) In addition to this the Annual Opinion on the effectiveness of the Internal Control Environment is provided in the attached Appendix B. This opinion feeds into the Annual Governance Statement and is a requirement of the Local Government Act 1999 and the Public Sector Internal Audit Standards.
RECOMMENDED that Members
(1) Note the Audit Performance for 2019/20 to 30th June 2020. (2) Note the highlighted areas of concern in relation to audits completed from the 2019/20 Audit Plan, including follow up work performed. (3) Note the Annual Audit Report and Opinion for 2019/20.
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Criminal Finance Act 2017 - Tax Evasion Policy - information report PDF 138 KB The purpose of the report is to inform members of the requirements placed upon the council in relation to the legislation as set out in the Criminal Finance Act 2017 with regards to Tax Evasion.
The report is for information.
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