Venue: The Executive Meeting Room - Third Floor, The Guildhall, Portsmouth. View directions
Contact: 023 9283 4058 Email:
No. | Item |
Apologies for Absence |
Declarations of Members' Interests |
Draft Minutes from 27 July 2018 meeting RECOMMENDED that the Minutes of the meeting held on 27 July 2018 be confirmed and signed by the Chair as a correct record. |
LGO Complaints annual report- (Information only) The purpose of this "information only" report is to bring to the attention of the Committee the Annual Review of Complaints by the Local Government and Social Care Ombudsman dated July 2018, regarding the complaints it has considered against Portsmouth City Council for the year 2017/2018. The report is for noting. |
External Auditor's Annual Audit Letter update External Auditor's Annual Audit Letter update for noting. |
Quarterly Performance Management Update The report's purpose is to advise the Committee on significant performance issues arising from Q1 performance monitoring and highlight areas for further action or analysis.
RECOMMENDED that the Committee
1) notes the report; 2) notes the continued improvement in quality of reports from directorates; 3) agrees if any further action is required in response to performance issues highlighted;
Additional documents: |
Report on Hampshire Community Bank The purpose of the report is to update the Committee on progress for the Hampshire Community Bank project.
RECOMMENDED that the Committee notes the information contained in this report. |
Audit Performance Status Report for Audit Plan
This report is to update the Governance and Audit and Standards Committee on the Internal Audit Performance for 2018/19 to 24 August 2018 against the Annual Audit Plan, highlight areas of concern and areas where assurance can be given on the internal control framework.
RECOMMENDED that Members (1) Note the Audit Performance for 2018/19 to 24August 2018. (2) Note the highlighted areas of control weakness from the 2017/18 Audit Plan (3) Note the level of resources currently available and how they are currently utilised between Internal and External Clients.
Additional documents: |
Data Security Breaches The purpose of the report is to inform the Committee of any Data Security Breaches and actions agreed/taken since the last meeting.
RECOMMENDED that Members of the Committee note the breaches (by reference to Appendix A) that have arisen and the action determined by the Corporate Information Governance Panel (CIGP).
Additional documents: |
The purpose of the report is to ask the Committee to consider whether it wishes to disapply the political balance rules in respect of its Sub-Committees which consider complaints against Members and to agree that the same rule shall apply to the Initial Filtering Panel.
RECOMMENDED that the political balance rules are disapplied in respect of Governance and Audit and Standards Sub-Committees which are considering complaints against Members and also the same arrangement should apply in respect of Initial Filtering Panel membership.
Scrutiny update The Scrutiny Management Panel Chair has been notified of the comments made by the Committee in respect of the role of scrutiny and he will circulate a note in respect of the points raised. |