Agenda and minutes

Full Council - Tuesday, 28th February, 2023 2.00 pm

Venue: Council Chamber - The Guildhall, Portsmouth. View directions

Contact: James Harris  Email:

Note: Please accept our apologies that due to technical difficulties this meeting was not livestreamed 

No. Item


Declaration of Members' Interests


Cllr Graham Heaney and Cllr Asghar Shah declared personal interests in minute 7, as they were affiliated with the Highbury Area Community Association.  The association managed the Highbury Community Centre, which was proposed to receive funding for heat pump technology as part of the Conservative and 'all groups' budget amendments.


To approve as a correct record the Minutes of the meeting held on 6 December 2022 pdf icon PDF 558 KB


It was


Proposed by Councillor Gerald Vernon-Jackson

Seconded by Councillor Simon Bosher


That the minutes of the ordinary meeting held on 6 December 2022 be confirmed as a correct record.


These were agreed by assent.


To receive such communications as the Lord Mayor may desire to lay before the Council, including apologies for absence.


The Lord Mayor advised that apologies for absence had been received from Councillor Brian Madgwick, Councillor Steve Pitt and Councillor Lynne Stagg.


The Lord Mayor thanked Councillor Cal Corkery for his service and leadership of the Labour Group and was joined in this by Councillor Charlotte Gerada and the Leader of the Council, who took the opportunity to say a few words to express their gratitude for Councillor Cal Corkery's service to the Labour Group and the council as a whole.


Deputations from the Public under Standing Order No 24.

Deputations by members of the public may be made on any item where a decision is going to be taken. The request should be made in writing to the contact officer ( by 12 noon of the working day before the meeting (so Monday 27 February for this meeting), and must include the purpose of the deputation (for example, for or against the recommendations). Email requests are accepted.


The City Solicitor advised that no oral deputation requests had been made for this meeting.




The Lord Mayor advised that there were no appointments to be made at this meeting.


Urgent Business - To receive and consider any urgent and important business from Members of the Cabinet in accordance with Standing Order No 26.


The Lord Mayor advised that there was no urgent business to be transacted at this meeting.


Portsmouth City Council - Budget & Council Tax 2023/24 & Medium Term Budget Forecast 2024/25 to 2026/27 pdf icon PDF 3 MB

To receive and consider the recommendations of the Cabinet meeting held on 21 February (to follow), the report for which is contained within the separate attached pack.

Additional documents:


The Lord Mayor advised that the recommendations from the Cabinet meeting had previously been circulated and reminded councillors that the speaking time limit did not apply to group leaders on budget items.


The Lord Mayor then called Cabinet Minute 7, PCC Portsmouth City Council Budget & Council Tax 2023/2024 & Medium Term Budget Forecast 2024/25 to 2026/27.


This minute was opposed by Councillor Simon Bosher.


It was therefore


Proposed by Councillor Gerald Vernon-Jackson

Seconded by Councillor Suzy Horton


That the recommendations contained in Cabinet Minute 7, PCC Portsmouth City Council Budget & Council Tax 2023/2024 & Medium Term Budget Forecast 2024/25 to 2026/27 be approved.


The Lord Mayor invited the Leader of the Council, Councillor Gerald Vernon-Jackson, to speak to the Cabinet budget recommendations.


Councillor Gerald Vernon-Jackson spoke on the administration's budget proposals and commended them to council. He placed on record his groups thanks to Chris Ward, Julian Pike and the finance team.


As an amendment it was


Proposed by Councillor Simon Bosher

Seconded by Councillor Ryan Brent


That the recommendations set out in Appendix 1 attached to these minutes (Conservative budget amendment) be adopted.


Councillor Simon Bosher (Conservative Group Leader) then spoke to his group's proposed budget amendment and commended the amendment to Council. He placed on record his groups gratitude to all council staff and in particular the finance team in respect of the budget.


As an amendment it was


Proposed by Councillor Charlotte Gerada

Seconded by Councillor Graham Heaney


That the recommendations set out in Appendix 2 attached to these minutes (Labour budget amendment) be adopted.


Councillor Charlotte Gerada (Labour Group Leader) then spoke to her group's proposed budget amendment and commended the amendment to Council.  She thanked all council staff involved with the budget and also the other political groups for their work in compiling a cross party amendment that would be tabled later in the meeting.


Councillor George Madgwick spoke in support of cross party working and the resulting cross party amendment that would be tabled later in the meeting.  He confirmed that the Portsmouth Independent Party Group did not wish to table any amendments.


As an amendment it was


Proposed by Councillor Cal Corkery

Seconded by Councillor Kirsty Mellor


That the recommendations set out in Appendix 3 attached to these minutes (amendment in the name of Councillor Cal Corkery) be adopted.


Councillor Cal Corkery spoke to the amendment which he hoped all councillors would support and commended it to Council.


As an amendment it was


Proposed by Councillor Darren Sanders

Seconded by Councillor Scott Payter-Harris


That the recommendations set out in Appendix 4 attached to these minutes (a cross party amendment in the name of Councillor Sanders) be adopted.


Councillor Darren Sanders spoke to the amendment, which was the first cross party budget amendment ever considered by the council and reflected comprises on all sides.


Following debate, the Lord Mayor called upon the Leader of the Council to sum up, which he duly did. 


In closing, the Leader of the Council confirmed that he was happy to subsume the cross party amendment standing in the name of Councillor Darren Sanders into the Cabinet recommendations proposed by him and seconded by Councillor Suzy Horton at the beginning of the item.  He did not wish to subsume the proposed amendments in the names of Councillor Simon Bosher, Councillor Charlotte Gerada or Councillor Cal Corkery.


The Lord Mayor reminded councillors that all votes on the budget would be recorded to comply the Local Authorities (Standing Orders) (England) (Amendment) Regulations 2014.


Council voted on the Conservative Group amendment, the Labour Group amendment and the amendment in the name of Councillor Cal Corkery in turn before voting on the substantive motion incorporating the subsumed cross party amendment in the name of Councillor Darren Sanders.



Upon the Conservative Group amendment standing in the name of Councillor Simon Bosher on the Portsmouth City Council Portsmouth City Council Budget & Council Tax 2023/2024 & Medium Term Budget Forecast 2024/25 to 2026/27being put to the vote.


The following members voted in favour


Councillor Matthew Atkins

Councillor Simon Bosher

Councillor Ryan Brent

Councillor Lewis Gosling

Councillor Lee Mason

Councillor Robert New

Councillor Gemma New

Councillor Terry Norton

Councillor Scott Payter-Harris

Councillor Russel Simpson

Councillor John Smith

Councillor Benedict Swann

Councillor Linda Symes

Councillor Daniel Wemyss


The following members voted against


Councillor Yinka Adeniran

Councillor Dave Ashmore

Councillor Chris Attwell

Councillor Kimberly Barrett

Councillor Stuart Brown

Councillor Tom Coles

Councillor Cal Corkery

Councillor George Fielding

Councillor Charlotte Gerada

Councillor Graham Heaney

Councillor Ian Holder

Councillor Suzy Horton

Councillor Lee Hunt

Councillor Mark Jeffery

Councillor Abdul Kadir

Councillor Leo Madden

Councillor Kirsty Mellor

Councillor Asghar Shah

Councillor Darren Sanders

Councillor Judith Smyth

Councillor Gerald Vernon-Jackson

Councillor Matthew Winnington


The following members abstained from voting


Councillor Jason Fazackarley

Councillor George Madgwick

Councillor Hugh Mason


The Conservative Group amendment was therefore declared LOST. 


Upon the Labour Group amendment standing in the name of Councillor Charlotte Gerada on the Portsmouth City Council Budget & Council Tax 2023/2024 & Medium Term Budget Forecast 2024/25 to 2026/27

being put to the vote.


The following members voted in favour


Councillor Yinka Adeniran

Councillor Tom Coles

Councillor Cal Corkery

Councillor George Fielding

Councillor Charlotte Gerada

Councillor Asghar Shah

Councillor Graham Heaney

Councillor Judith Smyth




The following members voted against


Councillor Dave Ashmore

Councillor Matthew Atkins

Councillor Chris Attwell

Councillor Kimberly Barrett

Councillor Simon Bosher

Councillor Stuart Brown

Councillor Ryan Brent

Councillor Jason Fazackarley

Councillor Lewis Gosling

Councillor Ian Holder

Councillor Suzy Horton

Councillor Lee Hunt

Councillor Mark Jeffery

Councillor Abdul Kadir

Councillor Leo Madden

Councillor Lee Mason

Councillor Gemma New

Councillor Robert New

Councillor Terry Norton

Councillor Scott Payter-Harris

Councillor Darren Sanders

Councillor Russel Simpson

Councillor John Smith

Councillor Linda Symes

Councillor Daniel Wemyss

Councillor Benedict Swann

Councillor Gerald Vernon-Jackson

Councillor Matthew Winnington


The following members abstained from voting


Councillor George Madgwick

Councillor Hugh Mason

Councillor Kirsty Mellor



The Labour Group amendment was therefore declared LOST.


Upon the amendment standing in the name of Councillor Cal Corkery on the Portsmouth City Council Budget & Council Tax 2023/2024 & Medium Term Budget Forecast 2024/25 to 2026/27being put to the vote.


The following members voted in favour


Councillor Yinka Adeniran

Councillor Tom Coles

Councillor Cal Corkery

Councillor George Fielding

Councillor Charlotte Gerada

Councillor George Madgwick

Councillor Asghar Shah

Councillor Judith Smyth

Councillor Graham Heaney

Councillor Kirsty Mellor

Councillor Russell Simpson


The following members voted against


Councillor Dave Ashmore

Councillor Chris Attwell

Councillor Kimberly Barrett

Councillor Simon Bosher

Councillor Ryan Brent

Councillor Jason Fazackarley

Councillor Stuart Brown

Councillor Lewis Gosling

Councillor Ian Holder

Councillor Suzy Horton

Councillor Lee Hunt

Councillor Mark Jeffery

Councillor Abdul Kadir

Councillor Leo Madden

Councillor Lee Mason

Councillor Gemma New

Councillor Terry Norton

Councillor Scott Payter-Harris

Councillor Darren Sanders

Councillor John Smith

Councillor Benedict Swann

Councillor Linda Symes

Councillor Gerald Vernon-Jackson

Councillor Matthew Winnington


The following members abstained from voting


Councillor Matthew Atkins

Councillor Hugh Mason

Councillor Robert New

Councillor Daniel Wemyss


The amendment in the name of Councillor Cal Corkery was therefore declared LOST


Upon the original recommendations in Cabinet minute 7 - PCC Portsmouth City Council Budget & Council Tax 2023/2024 & Medium Term Budget Forecast 2024/25 to 2026/27with the subsumed amendment in the name of Councillor Darren Sandersbeing put to the vote.


The following members voted in favour


Councillor Yinka Adeniran

Councillor Matthew Atkins

Councillor Dave Ashmore

Councillor Chris Attwell

Councillor Kimberly Barrett

Councillor Ryan Brent

Councillor Simon Bosher

Councillor Tom Coles

Councillor Stuart Brown

Councillor Jason Fazackarley

Councillor Cal Corkery

Councillor Charlotte Gerada

Councillor George Fielding

Councillor Graham Heaney

Councillor Lewis Gosling

Councillor Suzy Horton

Councillor Ian Holder

Councillor Mark Jeffery

Councillor Lee Hunt

Councillor Leo Madden

Councillor Abdul Kadir

Councillor Hugh Mason

Councillor George Madgwick

Councillor Lee Mason

Councillor Gemma New

Councillor Terry Norton

Councillor Darren Sanders

Councillor Russell Simpson

Councillor Judith Smyth

Councillor Linda Symes

Councillor Daniel Wemyss

Councillor Kirsty Mellor

Councillor Robert New

Councillor Scott Payter-Harris

Councillor Asghar Shah

Councillor John Smith

Councillor Benedict Swann

Councillor Gerald Vernon-Jackson

Councillor Matthew Winnington


No members voted against and no members abstained from voting


The Cabinet recommendations in Cabinet minute 7, with the subsumed amendment in the name of Councillor Darren Sanders was therefore APPROVED and declared CARRIED.


It was therefore RESOLVED


(3.1)  That the following be APPROVED in respect of the Council's Budget:


1)      The revised Revenue Estimates for the financial year 2022/23 and the Revenue Estimates for the financial year 2023/24 as set out in the General Fund Summary (Appendix A Amended) including the changes described below but noting that:


The responsibility of the City Council is to approve the overall Budget and the associated cash limits of its Portfolios and Committees; it is not the responsibility of the City Council to approve individual savings or additions within those Portfolios/Committees, that responsibility is reserved for Cabinet Members.  The budget savings and additions in the tables below are therefore indicative only.


i)       Reductions to Revenue Estimates


Indicative Portfolio Savings Proposal

Impact on Level of Service & Service Outcomes




Future Years



Traffic & Transportation Portfolio

Reinstate existing parking tariff structure and increase each hour by 10p e.g. 1 hour tariff increases by 10p, 2 hour tariff increases by 20p.

As per the recently adopted Transport Strategy (LTP 4), it is imperative that measures are taken to reduce reliance on the private car in order to promote air quality and reduce congestion within Portsmouth







Other Expenditure

Transfer From Revenue Reserve For Capital

Reduction in funding for New Capital Investment proposals (Appendix D)















ii)      Additions to Revenue Estimates




Increases to Portfolio Cash Limits




Future Years







Communities & Central Services Portfolio


A Cost of Living Hardship Fund for 1 Year to compliment the £3.8m Household Support Fund







Traffic & Transportation Portfolio


Remove - At District Centres; new 30 minute 70p tariff introduced, 1 Hour increased to £1.50 and all other tariffs increased by 20p
















2)      The Portfolio Cash Limits for the Revised Budget for 2022/23 and the Budget 2023/24 incorporating the savings amounts for each Portfolio and amounting to £2.0m as set out in Sections 7 and 11, respectively as amended by the following:


Portfolio / Committee




Future Years





Communities & Central Services Portfolio




Traffic & Transportation




Other Expenditure













3)      To maintain the overall financial resilience of the Council, any underspendings arising at the year-end (outside of those made by Portfolios) be transferred either to Capital Resources to fund future Capital Programmes, the Covid Reserve, the MTRS Reserve or General Reserves with the level of each transfer to be determined by the S.151 Officer


4)      Any variation to the Council's funding arising from the final Local Government Finance Settlement be accommodated by a transfer to or from General Reserves


5)      The S.151 Officer be given delegated authority to make any necessary adjustments to Cash Limits within the overall approved Budget and Budget Forecasts


6)      That the level of Council Tax be increased by 2.99% for general purposes in accordance with the referendum threshold[1] for 2023/24 announced by Government (as calculated in recommendation 3.4 (d))


7)      That the level of Council Tax be increased by a further 2.0% beyond the referendum threshold (as calculated in recommendation 3.4 (d)) to take advantage of the flexibility offered by Government to implement a "Social Care Precept", and that in accordance with the conditions of that flexibility, the full amount of the associated sum generated of £1,805,400 is passported direct to Adult Social Care


8)      That Revenue Contributions to Capital be made in 2022/23 in the sum of £0.75m in order to provide sufficient funding for the New Capital Investment proposals set out in Appendix D


9)      Managers be authorised to incur routine expenditure against the Cash Limits for 2023/24 as set out in Section 11


10)  That no savings requirement for 2024/25 be set at this stage but that this is kept under review, pending any significant impact on the Council's future Forecast that may arise during 2023/24


11)  That the S.151 Officer be given delegated authority to make transfers to and from reserves in order to ensure that they are maintained as necessary and in particular, adjusted when reserves are no longer required or need to be replenished


12)  The minimum level of General Reserves as at 31 March 2024 be maintained at £10.0m to reflect the known and expected budget and financial risks to the Council


13)  The Revised Capital Programme 2022/23 to 2027/28 attached as Appendix E and which includes all additions, deletions and amendments for slippage and re-phasing be amended by table iii) and iv) below and approved


iii)    Reductions to the Capital Programme (Appendices D & E)

Scheme Deletions / Reductions




Culture, Leisure & Economic Development Portfolio





Seafront Enhancements 'Festoon' Lighting Enhancement of the Seafront's lighting



Renewal of Skate Ramps (Milton)





Leader Portfolio





Eastney Point Opportunity Area





Traffic & Transportation Portfolio





Cycle Improvements in the City



Verge Hardening Paulsgrove








iv)    Additions to Capital Programme (Appendices D & E)


Scheme Additions / Increases




Culture, Leisure & Economic Development Portfolio


Gatcombe Park Play Area (further match funding from Hilsea Neighbourhood CIL)



College Park Play Equipment



Highbury Community Centre - Heat Pump Technology





Safety In The Community


1 Mobile CCTV Camera Horsea Lane (further match funding from Hilsea Neighbourhood CIL)



Anchorage Park Protection (Dragons Teeth)





Traffic & Transportation


Vehicle Activated Sign - Anchorage Road








14)  The S.151 Officer be given delegated authority to determine how each source of finance is used to fund the overall Capital Programme and to alter the overall mix of financing, as necessary, to maximise the flexibility of capital resources used and minimise the ongoing costs of borrowing to the Council


15)  That the S.151 Officer in consultation with the Leader of the Council be given delegated authority to release capital resources held back for any contingent items that might arise, and also for any match funding requirements that may be required of the City Council in order to secure additional external capital funding (e.g. bids for funding from Government or any other external source)


16)  Subject to a satisfactory financial appraisal approved by the Director of Finance and Resources & S.151 Officer, the schemes described in Appendix D as amended by tables iii) and iv) above be reflected within the recommended Capital Programme 2022/23 to 2027/28


17)  Subject to a satisfactory financial appraisal approved by the Director of Finance and Resources & S.151 Officer, that delegated authority to borrow up to £10m per year be granted in order that the Council can enter into transactions in an efficient and timely fashion and avoid the risk of lost opportunities which may be of a time critical nature


18)  The Prudential Indicators described set out in Appendix F be approved.


19)  Members have had regard for the Statement of the S.151 Officer in accordance with the Local Government Act 2003 as set out in Section 16.


3.2  That the following be NOTED in respect of the Council's Revenue   

   Budget and Capital Programme: 


1)      The Revenue Estimates 2023/24 as set out in Appendix A have been prepared on the basis of a 2.0% tax increase for the "Social Care Precept" (amounting to £1,805,400) and that this is passported to Adult Social Care in order to provide for otherwise unfunded budget pressures including the current underlying budget deficit, the cost of the National Living Wage and demographic pressures arising from a "living longer" population


2)      The decision on the amount at which to set the Adult Social Care precept will be critical for the Social Care and wider health system in the City; in the event that the additional flexibility of the "Social Care Precept" and associated 2.0% tax increase is not taken, then equivalent savings will need to be made in Adult Social Care in 2023/24


3)      In general, any reduction to the proposed increase in the level of Council Tax for 2023/24 will require equivalent offsetting savings to be made in order for the Budget 2023/24 to be approved.  Each 1% reduction requires additional savings of £902,700 to be made


4)      The indicative savings proposals set out in Appendix C which are provided for the purpose of demonstrating to the Council that the Portfolio savings as recommended in paragraph 3.1  2) of the report are robust and deliverable


5)      The likely impact of savings as set out in Appendix C


6)      That the responsibility of the City Council is to approve the overall Budget and the associated cash limits of its Portfolios and Committees; it is not the responsibility of the City Council to approve any individual savings within those Portfolios / Committees


7)      That it is the responsibility of the individual Portfolio Holders (not Full Council) to approve the individual savings proposals and the Portfolio Holder can therefore, in response to any consultation, alter, amend or substitute any of the indicative savings proposal(s) set out in Appendix C with alternative proposal(s) amounting to the same value within their Portfolio


8)      Managers will commence the implementation of the approved savings required and any necessary consultation process or notice process


9)      The Revenue Forecast for 2024/25 to 2026/27 as set out in Section 12 and Appendix B


10)  That at this stage the Council's Future Forecast for the 3 Year Period 2024/25 to 2026/27 is estimated to be in balance; this is the Council's "central base case scenario" but due to the uncertainty associated with inflation, unavoidable cost pressures that may arise (particularly in Care Services), business rate appeals arising from the 2023/24 revaluation and the forthcoming overhaul of Local Government Funding, this could vary by +/- £5m


11)  The MTRS Reserve held to fund the upfront costs associated with Spend to Save Schemes, Invest to Save Schemes and redundancies will hold an uncommitted balance of £5.8m and will only be replenished in future from an approval to the transfer of any underspends, contributions from the Revenue Budget or transfers from other reserves which may no longer be required


12)  The Council's share of the Council Tax element of the Collection Fund deficit for 2022/23 is estimated to be £618,996


13)  The Council's share of the Business Rate element of the Collection Fund surplus for 2022/23 is estimated to be £2,984,906 


14)  The Retained Business Rate income[2] for 2023/24 is based on the estimated Business Rate element of the Collection Fund surplus as at March 2023, the Non Domestic Rates poundage for 2023/24 and estimated rateable values for 2023/24 and has been determined at £64,303,198


15)  That Cabinet Members, in consultation with the S.151 Officer, have authority to vary Capital Schemes and their associated funding within or across Portfolios in order to manage any potential overspending or funding shortfall or to respond to emerging priorities


16)  That Cabinet Members, in consultation with the S.151 Officer, have authority to vire funding between Portfolios (both Revenue and Capital Budgets) in order to manage any potential overspending or funding shortfall or to respond to emerging priorities


17)  The City Council note that Prudential Borrowing can only be used as a source of capital finance for Invest to Save Schemes.


3.3    That the S.151 Officer has determined that the Council Tax base for 

    the financial Year 2023/24 will be 57,480.6 [item T in the formula in

    Section 31 B(1) of the Local Government Finance Act 1992, as

    amended (the “Act”)].


3.4    That the following amounts be now calculated by the Council for

    the financial year 2023/24 in accordance with Section 31 and

    Sections 34 to 36 of the Local Government Finance Act 1992:




Being the aggregate of the amounts which the Council estimates for the items set out in Section 31A(2) of the Act.



Being the aggregate of the amounts which the Council estimates for the items set out in Section 31A(3) of the Act.



Being the amount by which the aggregate at 3.4 (a) above exceeds the aggregate at 3.4 (b) above, calculated by the Council in accordance with Section 31A(4) of the Act as its Council Tax requirement for the year. (Item R in the formula in Section 31B(1) of the Act.



Being the amount at 3.4(c) above (Item R), all divided by Item 3.3 above (Item T), calculated by the Council, in accordance with Section 31B(1) of the Act, as the basic amount of its Council Tax for the year.


(e) Valuation Bands (Portsmouth City Council)


























Being the amounts given by multiplying the amount at 3.4 (d) above by the number which, in the proportion set out in Section 5(1) of the Act, is applicable to dwellings listed in a particular valuation band divided by the number which in that proportion is applicable to dwellings listed in Valuation Band D, calculated by the Council, in accordance with Section 36(1) of the Act, as the amounts to be taken into account for the year in respect of categories of dwellings in different valuation bands.

3.5    That it be noted that for the financial year 2023/24 the Hampshire

    Police & Crime Commissioner is consulting upon the following

    amounts for the precept to be issued to the Council in accordance

    with Section 40 of the Local Government Finance Act 1992, for

    each of the categories of the dwellings shown below:


Valuation Bands (Hampshire Police & Crime Commissioner)


























3.6  That it be noted that for the financial year 2023/24 Hampshire and

  Isle of Wight Fire and Rescue Authority it is estimated that the

  following amounts for the precept issued to the Council in 

  accordance with Section 40 of the Local Government Finance Act

 1992, for each of the categories of the dwellings shown below:


Valuation Bands (Hampshire and Isle of Wight Fire & Rescue Authority)


























3.7      That having calculated the aggregate in each case of the amounts at 3.4(e), 3.5 and     3.6 above, the Council, in accordance with Sections 31A, 31B and 34 to 36 of the Local Government Finance Act 1992 as amended, hereby sets the following amounts as the amounts of Council Tax for the financial year 2023/24 for each of the categories of dwellings shown below:


Valuation Bands (Total Council Tax)


























3.8          The Council determines in accordance with Section 52ZB of the Local Government Finance Act 1992 that the Council’s basic amount of Council Tax for 2023/24, which represents a 4.99% increase, is not excessive in accordance with the principles approved by the Secretary of State under Section 52ZC of the Act; and it be noted that:


i)      The 4.99% increase includes a 2.0% increase to support the delivery of Adult Social Care


ii)    As the billing authority, the Council has not been notified by a major precepting authority (the Police and Crime Commissioner for Hampshire or the Hampshire and Isle of Wight Fire & Rescue Authority) that its relevant basic amount of Council Tax for 2023/24 is excessive and that the billing authority is not required to hold a referendum in accordance with Section 52ZK of the Local Government Finance Act 1992.


3.9      The S.151 Officer be given delegated authority to implement any   

           variation to the overall level of Council Tax arising from the final

           notification of the Hampshire Police & Crime Commissioner and 

           Hampshire and Isle of Wight Fire and Rescue Authority precepts.

[1]Council Tax increases beyond the referendum threshold can only be implemented following a "Yes" vote in a local referendum

[2]Includes Retained Business Rates £38,841,437, "Top Up" £6,284,998, a surplus on the Collection Fund of £2,984,906 plus S.31 Grants of £16,191,857 for compensation due to national Government business rate relief initiatives


Review of Political Proportionality on Committees and Panels pdf icon PDF 128 KB

To consider the attached report of the Chief Executive.


It was


Proposed by Councillor Gerald Vernon-Jackson

Seconded by Councillor Charlotte Gerada


That Full Council adopt the overall political balance and allocation of seats as set out in the Chief Executive's report with Cllr Cal Corkery reappointed as a non aligned independent memberto the Employment Committee and the Scrutiny Management Panel and Cllr Kirsty Mellor reappointed as a non aligned independent memberto the Housing and Social Care Scrutiny Panel andnote:


(i)             That Cllr Kirsty Mellor has gifted her seat on the Licensing Committee to the Labour Group.  The Labour Group already has three members appointed to this committee and consequently there is no change in membership of the Licensing Committee;


(ii)           That the appointment of Employment Committee Chair will be dealt with as a separate matter under this agenda item; and


(iii)         That the appointment of Housing and Social Care Scrutiny Panel Chair will be dealt with as a separate matter under this agenda item.


Following a vote, the proposal was declared CARRIED.


RESOLVED that Full Council adopted the overall political balance and allocation of seats as set out in the Chief Executive's report with Cllr Cal Corkery reappointed as a non aligned independent member to the Employment Committee and the Scrutiny Management Panel and Cllr Kirsty Mellor reappointed as a non aligned independent member to the Housing and Social Care Scrutiny Panel.


Council NOTED that:


(i)             Councillor Kirsty Mellor had gifted her seat on the Licensing Committee to the Labour Group.  The Labour Group already had three members appointed to this committee and consequently there was no change in membership of the Licensing Committee;


(ii)       the appointment of Employment Committee Chair would be dealt with as a separate matter under this agenda item; and


(iii)        the appointment of Housing and Social Care Scrutiny Panel Chair would be dealt with as a separate matter under this agenda item.


The Lord Mayor invited nominations for the position of Employment Committee Chair.



It was


Proposed by Councillor Simon Bosher

Seconded by Councillor Gerald Vernon-Jackson


That Councillor Cal Corkery be appointed as Employment Committee Chair.


Following a vote the proposal was declared CARRIED.


RESOLVED that Councillor Cal Corkery be appointed as Employment Committee Chair.


The Lord Mayor invited nominations for the position of Health & Social Care Scrutiny Panel Chair.


It was


Proposed by Councillor Gerald Vernon-Jackson

Seconded by Councillor Charlotte Gerada


That Councillor Kirsty Mellor be appointed as Chair of the Health & Social Care Scrutiny Panel.


Following a vote the proposal was declared CARRIED.


RESOLVED that Councillor Kirsty Mellor be appointed as Chair of the Health & Social Care Scrutiny Panel.


Notices of Motion


Provision for Healthcare in Hilsea pdf icon PDF 189 KB

Proposed by Councillor Russell Simpson

Seconded by Councillor George Madgwick


Hilsea is currently the only ward in Portsmouth without any form of GP provision as well as only one Pharmacy which has recently applied to move to another ward. There are no hospitals, walk in centres, private doctors or NHS doctors within the ward. Elderly and the more vulnerable residents struggle to attend local healthcare provisions, and this effects the level of care they receive.


The Government has cut the budget for community pharmacies by £200m in 2017/18, and the new contract is not linked to inflation. By default, the Government is forcing pharmacies, including local ones, into possible bankruptcy and/or looking at alternative methods to stay in business.


Whilst appreciating that there is a local and national issue facing us in relation to the lack of GPs and Pharmacists, this shouldn't negate the fact that as a local authority we should strive for improvements for our residents as and where possible. Full Council commends the recent success of the NHS dentist services opening up in Portsmouth and hopes to build on this success.


Full Council condemns the actions of the Government in relation to cutting funds for local pharmacies. Full Council requests that the Cabinet Member for Health, Wellbeing and Social Care works on a method to try to bring a GP surgery to Hilsea and a Pharmacy, if Hilsea loses it's only one in London Road, when possible in the future. To update relevant opposition spokespersons and ward councillors before July 2023 on progress.


It was


Proposed by Councillor Russell Simpson

Seconded by Councillor George Madgwick


That notice of motion (a) as set out on the agenda be adopted.


As an amendment it was


Proposed by Councillor Scott Payter-Harris

Seconded by Councillor Daniel Wemyss


To amend paragraph one as below, so it reads:


'Hilsea is currently the only ward in Portsmouth without any form of GP provision as well as only one Pharmacy which has recently applied to move to another ward merge with another branch in Kingston Road and thus close the current branch in Hilsea. There are no hospitals, walk in centres, private doctors or NHS doctors within the ward. Elderly and the more vulnerable residents struggle to attend local healthcare provisions, and this effects the level of care they receive.'


Delete paragraph two and replace with the below so it reads:


'The Community Pharmacy Contractual Framework: 2019 to 2024 commits £2.592 billion each year to the sector. In September 2022, the Government announced a one-off £100 million investment into pharmacy for the remainder of the five year deal. The agreement also includes new and expanded services in community pharmacy. Full Council notes when market prices go up and pharmacies cannot purchase products at or below the Drug Tariff NHS reimbursement price, the Pharmaceutical Service Negotiating Committee can request the Department to reconsider the reimbursement price and set a concessionary price. Concessionary prices are established using real time data from suppliers to generate prices that are reflective of the overall market.'


Delete paragraph 3 and insert the below, so it reads:


'Full Council commends the recent success of the NHS dentist services opening up in Portsmouth and hopes to build on this success. Full Council would like to place on its record its thanks to the MP for Portsmouth North, MP for Portsmouth South and the Cabinet Member for Health, Wellbeing and Social Care for their extensive work in this area.'


Delete paragraph 4 and insert the below so it reads:


'Full Council requests that the Health and Well-Being Board uses its extensive knowledge of the sector and works on a method to try to bring a GP surgery to Hilsea and ensure Pharmacy provision remains. Full Council notes the Health and Well-Being Board acknowledge the proposed merger of the Rowlands Pharmacy branch in London Road with Kingston Road and advises it creates a gap in provision. Full Council requests that the relevant spokespersons and ward councillors are updated by October 2023 on progress.'


Following debate, the proposer of the original motion, Councillor Russell Simpson did not agree to subsume the amendment put by Councillor Scott Payter-Harris into the motion.


Council voted on the amendment in the name of Councillor Scott Payter-Harris.


Following the vote the amendment was declared LOST.


Council voted on the original motion in the name of Councillor Russell Simpson.


Following the vote the motion was declared CARRIED.


It was therefore RESOLVED that:


Hilsea is currently the only ward in Portsmouth without any form of GP provision as well as only one Pharmacy which has recently applied to move to another ward. There are no hospitals, walk in centres, private doctors or NHS doctors within the ward. Elderly and the more vulnerable residents struggle to attend local healthcare provisions, and this effects the level of care they receive.


The Government has cut the budget for community pharmacies by £200m in 2017/18, and the new contract is not linked to inflation. By default, the Government is forcing pharmacies, including local ones, into possible bankruptcy and/or looking at alternative methods to stay in business.


Whilst appreciating that there is a local and national issue facing us in relation to the lack of GPs and Pharmacists, this shouldn't negate the fact that as a local authority we should strive for improvements for our residents as and where possible. Full Council commends the recent success of the NHS dentist services opening up in Portsmouth and hopes to build on this success.


Full Council condemns the actions of the Government in relation to cutting funds for local pharmacies. Full Council requests that the Cabinet Member for Health, Wellbeing and Social Care works on a method to try to bring a GP surgery to Hilsea and a Pharmacy, if Hilsea loses it's only one in London Road, when possible in the future. To update relevant opposition spokespersons and ward councillors before July 2023 on progress.


Questions from Members under Standing Order No 17. pdf icon PDF 125 KB

Additional documents:


Two questions from members had been received under Standing Order No.17.


The first question was from Councillor George Madgwick.


"We, as a council, have still not got an appointed person on the Kings Theatre Trust. We were originally told in Quarter 3 of 2022 it would be a month delay, then three months delayed. We are now almost at the end of the municipal year and we still don't have an appointment on the Kings Theatre Trust. Why is this?"


In the absence of the Cabinet Member a written response would be provided.


The second question was from Councillor George Madgwick.


" In Quarter 1 of 2022 Councillors for Paulsgrove proposed a CIL application for a one-way system in Beverston Road and Bromyard Crescent.  In months preceding this, surveys were completed, and an official CIL bid went in later 2022.  At the start of 2023 all councillors agreed to the CIL and the funds were drawn down. Since then, we have had nothing but excuses for delays to the completion of this. Residents are becoming frustrated. When does the department intend to complete the works that have been surveyed, agreed and funded for almost a year ago?


In the absence of the Cabinet Member a written response would be provided.