Venue: Council Chamber - The Guildhall, Portsmouth. View directions
Contact: James Harris Email:
No. | Item |
Declaration of Members' Interests There were no declarations of interest. Minutes: There were no declarations of interest. |
To receive such communications as the Lord Mayor may desire to lay before the Council, including apologies for absence. Minutes: Due to the shorter than usual notice of the meeting, apologies for absence due to pre-arranged leave had been received from Councillor Matthew Atkins, Councillor Cal Corkery, Councillor Kirsty Mellor, Councillor Gerald Vernon-Jackson CBE and Councillor Matthew Winnington.
Apologies for absence due to immovable work commitments had been received from Councillor Ian Holder. |
Deputations from the Public under Standing Order No 24. Deputations by members of the public may be made on any item where a decision is going to be taken. The request should be made in writing to the contact officer ( by 12 noon of the working day before the meeting (so Monday, 19 June 2023 for this meeting), and must include the purpose of the deputation (for example, for or against the recommendations). Email requests are accepted. Minutes: No deputations requests had been received under the provisions of this standing order. |
Commencing Salary for the post of Chief Executive Officer (Head of Paid Service) Additional documents:
Minutes: Council considered the previously circulated report of the Director of Corporate Services.
It was proposed by Councillor Steve Pitt Seconded by Councillor Simon Bosher
That Council:
(i) Approve the commencing salary of £180,000 for the post of Chief Executive Officer (Head of Paid Service); and
(ii) Record thanks to Mr David Williams for his long service to the council and wish him the very best for the future.
After being put to the vote this was CARRIED unanimously.
It was therefore RESOLVED that the above proposals be approved.
Minutes: The Lord Mayor advised that the Appointments Sub-Committee had undertaken interviews for the post of Chief Executive. Following these interviews, the below proposition on behalf of the Appointments Sub-Committee was put to Council:
Proposed by Councillor Steve Pitt Seconded by Councillor Simon Bosher
That Council appoints Natalie Brahma-Pearl to be:
(i) the Chief Executive of Portsmouth City Council;
(ii) Portsmouth City Council's Returning Officer; and
(iii) Portsmouth City Council's Electoral Registration Officer
After being put to the vote this was CARRIED unanimously.
It was therefore RESOLVED that the above proposals be approved.
Appointment of New Honorary Recorder Additional documents:
Minutes: Council considered the previously circulated report of the City Solicitor.
It was proposed by Councillor Steve Pitt Seconded by Councillor Simon Bosher
(i) That His Honour Judge Michael Bowes KC be appointed Honorary Recorder during his tenure as Resident Judge at Portsmouth Crown Court;
(ii) That the Lord Mayor be asked to attend a ceremony to confer the appointment on behalf the Council; and
(iii) That His Honour Judge Timothy Mousley KC be thanked for his four years as Honorary Recorder to the City of Portsmouth.
After being put to the vote this was CARRIED unanimously.
It was therefore RESOLVED that the above proposal be approved.