Agenda and decisions

Special, Cabinet - Monday, 4th December, 2023 10.00 am

Venue: Council Chamber - The Guildhall, Portsmouth. View directions

Contact: Anna Martyn Tel 023 9283 4870  Email:


No. Item


Apologies for Absence


Declarations of Interests


Tipner West and Horsea Island East Regeneration pdf icon PDF 427 KB


To build on the information provided to members in the October report of the same name and seeks approval for the Tipner West development team to address the remaining key matters required to progress working up a Masterplan for submission to the City Council's Planning department as detailed in this report. 


RECOMMENDED that the Cabinet

1.    Note the work to date and the on-going work required by the project team to address the remaining key matters (set out in section 4.8) in order to complete the development of the Tipner West and Horsea Island Masterplan.

2.    Request the Chief Executive and the Director of Finance & Resources in consultation with the Leader, to engage with Central Government to discuss the City Deal outputs and the opportunities for further funding to close the viability gap(s) as detailed in section 4.10 of this report.

3.    Delegate authority to the Assistant Director of Regeneration to progress with matters that are common to both land use options (Appendix A) in the development of the Tipner West and Horsea Island Masterplan using £7.7m funds previously approved by the City Council on 11 October 2022.  This will include but is not limited to the following activities: on-going site-assembly; any necessary updating and commissioning of technical research including on-site, intrusive ground investigations and survey work; and progressing public engagement and consultation.

4.    Note the intention for the project team to present to a future meeting of the Cabinet for approval to develop a full masterplan for Tipner West and Horsea Island following the conclusion of 2.2 and 2.3 above.

5.    Note the revised project programme as detailed in Appendix C.

6.    Refer the report to Full council to note.


The report originally marked on the agenda "to follow" was published on 28 November 2023.


1.    Noted the work to date and the on-going work required by the project team to address the remaining key matters (set out in section 4.8) in order to complete the development of the Tipner West and Horsea Island Masterplan.

2.    Requested the Chief Executive and the Director of Finance & Resources in consultation with the Leader, to engage with Central Government to discuss the City Deal outputs and the opportunities for further funding to close the viability gap(s) as detailed in section 4.10 of this report.

3.    Delegated authority to the Assistant Director of Regeneration to progress with matters that are common to both land use options (Appendix A) in the development of the Tipner West and Horsea Island Masterplan using £7.7m funds previously approved by the City Council on 11 October 2022.  This will include but is not limited to the following activities: on-going site-assembly; any necessary updating and commissioning of technical research including on-site, intrusive ground investigations and survey work; and progressing public engagement and consultation.

4.    Noted the intention for the project team to present to a future meeting of the Cabinet for approval to develop a full masterplan for Tipner West and Horsea Island following the conclusion of 2.2 and 2.3 above.

5.    Noted the revised project programme as detailed in Appendix C.

6.    Referred the report to Full Council to note.