Agenda and decisions

Cabinet - Tuesday, 5th September, 2023 2.00 pm

Venue: Council Chamber - The Guildhall, Portsmouth. View directions

Contact: Anna Martyn - Tel 023 9283 4870  Email:


No. Item


Apologies for Absence


Declarations of Interests


Record of Previous Decision Meeting held on 25 July 2023 pdf icon PDF 102 KB

A copy of the record of the previous decisions taken at Cabinet on 25 July 2023 is attached.



Forward Plan Omission Notice - Christmas Lights 2023 (Supporting infrastructure and Christmas lights provision) pdf icon PDF 44 KB

The Christmas Lights 2023 (Supporting infrastructure and Christmas light provision) report by the Assistant Director of Planning & Economic Growth was omitted from the Forward Plan covering 17 August to 17 November 2023. The Chair of the City Council's Scrutiny Management Panel has been notified and a public notice published.


1.    Noted the omission to the Forward Plan for 17 August to 17 November 2023.

2.    Noted the publication of the omission notice.



Christmas Lights 2023 (Supporting infrastructure and Christmas lights provision) pdf icon PDF 200 KB


To address the current concerns with 2023/34 Christmas Lights budget concern and provide a definitive response.


RECOMMENDED that the Cabinet

1.    Request Ward CIL (Community Infrastructure Levy) via the existing Neighbourhood CIL procedure, as outlined within the Draft CIL Neighbourhood Portion Spend Guidance Note to fund the repair and enhancement of Christmas lights infrastructure across the city of Portsmouth (or otherwise agreed priority sites). AND


Request Ward CIL via the existing Neighbourhood CIL procedure, as outlined within the Draft CIL Neighbourhood Portion Spend Guidance Note to fund additional/replacement Christmas Light Motifs across the city (or otherwise agreed priority sites).


Approve funding from city wide Neighbourhood CIL fund to fund the repair and enhancement of Christmas lights infrastructure and additional/replacement Christmas Light Motifs across the city (or otherwise agreed priority sites).


And, in either case

2.    Give approval that any underspend from the allocated funding is retained as a ringfenced reserve for the future of maintaining the provision of Christmas lights in the city.


Additional documents:


1.    Approved funding from City wide Neighbourhood CIL fund to fund the repair and enhancement of Christmas lights infrastructure and additional/replacement Christmas Light Motifs across the city (or otherwise agreed priority sites).


2.    Gave approval that any underspend from the allocated funding is retained as a ringfenced reserve for the future of maintaining the provision of Christmas lights in the city.



Lease of open space at King George V Playing Field pdf icon PDF 421 KB


To update Cabinet on the outcome of the formal advertising of the council's intention to lease land at King George V Playing Field to an operator.


RECOMMENDED that the Cabinet consider the outcome of the consultation exercise and delegate authority to the Director of Culture, Leisure and Regulatory Services to grant a lease to the preferred operator upon consultation with PCC Legal Services and Property Team, once the final terms are agreed.



The Cabinet considered the outcome of the consultation exercise and delegated authority to the Director of Culture, Leisure and Regulatory Services to grant a lease to the preferred operator upon consultation with PCC Legal Services and Property Team, once the final terms are agreed.



Portsmouth City Council's strategic relationship with The HIVE Portsmouth pdf icon PDF 360 KB


To support the development of a new strategic partnership which builds on the HIVE Portsmouth's work to date.


RECOMMENDED that the Cabinet

1.    Note with appreciation the contribution that The HIVE Portsmouth made to the city during the pandemic;

2.    Note the renewed focus of The HIVE Portsmouth in the post-pandemic environment and the range of activity underway; and

3.    Approve the Memorandum of Understanding between Portsmouth City Council and The HIVE Portsmouth as the basis for a future strategic partnership agreement.


Additional documents:


1.    Noted with appreciation the contribution that HIVE Portsmouth made to the city during the pandemic;

2.    Noted the renewed focus of HIVE Portsmouth in the post-pandemic environment and the range of activity underway; and

3.    Approved the Memorandum of Understanding between PCC and HIVE Portsmouth as the basis for a future strategic partnership agreement.




Discharge to Assess model pdf icon PDF 348 KB


1.    To update Cabinet on the delivery of the Discharge to Assess, (D2A) model within Portsmouth to enable residents admitted to Portsmouth Hospitals University NHS Trust (PHU) to be discharged for assessment of their long term needs outside of the acute hospital (D2A).

2.    To update Cabinet of the potential financial risk to the Council of continuing 'spot' purchase arrangements for D2A.

3.    To seek Cabinet endorsement of the recommendations in the report.   


RECOMMENDED that the Cabinet

1.    Approve that D2A is restricted to the fully funded beds in the Jubilee and Spinnaker units and Adult Social Care returns to assessment of need prior to discharge from hospital for any Portsmouth resident who is unable to be discharged on this pathway, when the available funding identified becomes insufficient to enable continued 'spot placements' in the external care market.

2.    Endorse that the Council will only be committing to deliver D2A schemes and plans that are achievable, have value to our residents and are supported by funding.

3.    Ask the Director of Adult Social Care to write to Hampshire & Isle of Wight Integrated Care Board, (HIOW ICB) and inform them of the above decisions, providing the opportunity for the ICB to decide whether to allocate further funds to enable D2A to continue in its current form in the 2023/24 financial year. 



Additional documents:


1.    Approved that D2A is restricted to the fully funded beds in the Jubilee and Spinnaker units and Adult Social Care returns to assessment of need prior to discharge from hospital for any Portsmouth resident who is unable to be discharged on this pathway, when the available funding identified becomes insufficient to enable continued 'spot placements' in the external care market.

2.    Endorsed that the Council will only be committing to deliver D2A schemes and plans that are achievable, have value to our residents and are supported by funding.

3.    Asked the Director of Adult Social Care to write to Hampshire & Isle of Wight Integrated Care Board, (HIOW ICB) and inform them of the above decisions, providing the opportunity for the ICB to decide whether to allocate further funds to enable D2A to continue in its current form in the 2023/24 financial year. 



Mandatory Licensing of Houses in Multiple Occupation pdf icon PDF 299 KB


To present the outcome of the consultation agreed at the Cabinet on 25 July 2023 along with the proposed changes to the current Mandatory Houses in Multiple Occupation licensing scheme, for Cabinet to decide on whether to adopt these changes.


RECOMMENDED that the Cabinet

1.             Notes the outcome of the non-statutory consultation which was undertaken from 26th July 2023 and closed on 16th August 2023, as summarised in section 4 of this report, the full summary of which is in Appendix 1.

2.             In light of the consultation results change the Mandatory HMO Licensing scheme as outlined in this report. This includes agreeing to a new approach to administering licences for different terms as outlined in Appendix 2, a new Licensing fee structure as outlined in Appendix 3, and new licence conditions as outlined in Appendix 4.

3.             Agrees that the changes agreed in 2.2 above will be implemented from 1st December 2023. Any licences due to expire on or after 1st December 2023, or any new licence applications received on or after 1st December 2023, will be administered through the new Mandatory Licensing criteria outlined in this report.

4.             Instructs officers to conduct an annual review of the fee structure for Mandatory Licensing alongside the annual review already agreed for additional licensing fees, and present proposals for any required fee adjustments accordingly to the cabinet member for Community Safety for approval.




Additional documents:


1.    Note the outcome of the non-statutory consultation which was undertaken from 26 July 2023 and closed on 16 August 2023, as summarised in section 4 of this report, the full summary of which is in Appendix 1.

2.    Changed the HMO Licensing scheme in light of the consultation results as outlined in this report. This includes agreeing to a new approach to administering licences for different terms as outlined in Appendix 2, a new Licensing fee structure as outlined in Appendix 3, and new licence conditions as outlined in Appendix 4.

3.    Implement the changes agreed in paragraph 2 above from 1t December 2023. Any licences due to expire on or after 1st December 2023, or any new licence applications received on or after 1t December 2023, will be administered through the new Mandatory Licensing criteria outlined in this report.

4.    Instruct officers to conduct an annual review of the fee structure for Mandatory Licensing alongside the annual review already agreed for additional licensing fees, and present proposals for any required fee adjustments accordingly to the cabinet member for Community Safety for approval.