Venue: Council Chamber - The Guildhall, Portsmouth. View directions
Contact: Allison Harper Email:
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Corporate Plan Purpose To seek approval from Cabinet for the updated Council's Corporate Plan - 2022-23.
Recommended that the Cabinet:
a) Approve the updated Council's Corporate Plan - 2022-23 (see Appendix 1) b) Note that the plan demonstrates the Council's commitment to supporting the achievement of the Vision for Portsmouth that has previously been agreed with partners as well as demonstrating how the Council is delivering for the residents of Portsmouth in these challenging times c) Agree that delegated authority be given to the Chief Executive to make minor changes to the draft document prior to publication
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Tipner West Development Purpose This report provides members with information on the future developments for the area known as Tipner West and Horsea Island East (HIE), to support their decision making.
Cabinet is recommended:
1. To agree recommendations 2.1 - 2.14 for onward submission to Full Council.
2. That subject to confirmation of Council agreement of recommendation 2.10, Cabinet
(i) Agrees to progress with the design of an option for the land at Tipner West and Horsea Island East that responds to the principles agreed by Full Council (2.10 above), that limits the residual financial burden (i.e. after all realistic attempts to attract further funding) to the Council to not more than £10m, and instructs the Director of Regeneration on behalf of PCC as the promoter of the site, to work up an associated planning application and business case;
(ii) Agrees further spending of up to £7.7 million from the City Deal funding (as described in 4.7-4.10) to prepare the planning application and business plan for the approved option; this expenditure will be subject to criteria and gateways which will be agreed by the Section 151 Officer and Leader of the Council and after consultation with the Group Leaders, prior to expenditure being incurred.; and
(iii) Agrees that the delivery programme will highlight in advance gateway review points in which updates and supporting information will be provided to Full Council.
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