Venue: Virtual Remote Meeting. View directions
Contact: Jane Di Dino, Local Democracy Officer Tel 9283 4060 Email:
No. | Item | ||||
Apologies for Absence |
Declarations of Interests |
Record of Previous Decision Meeting - 15 September 2020 PDF 130 KB A copy of the record of the previous decisions taken at Cabinet on 15 September 2020 are attached.
RECOMMENDED that the minutes be agreed. |
Home Energy Support Service PDF 484 KB Purpose.
To set out the details of a service by which every household in the city will be able to access appropriate support with home energy efficiency and renewable technology. The service will encourage a greater uptake of energy efficiency measures in Portsmouth; lowering emissions and energy bills, as well as promoting the creation of low-carbon skills and employment in the area.
RECOMMENDED that: 1. That the Cabinet agrees that reducing domestic energy consumption, and the resultant carbon emissions, should be encouraged within Portsmouth by widening the advice and support on offer to incorporate every household in the city. 2. That the Cabinet approves the services detailed below, in sections 5 to 9 of this report, to be investigated and developed to strengthen the offer to non-fuel poor households. 3. That the Cabinet instructs officers to build a business case to create a comprehensive service offer and methodology for directing support which is appropriate and tailored to every household in the city. The business case will consider the level of resourcing available through the PCC energy services team, and consider options to increase capacity; including the exploration of strategic partnerships to provide the comprehensive service and offer. 4. That the Cabinet instructs officers to explore a programme for developing a local, highly-skilled workforce to deliver low-carbon, energy efficiency installations within the city. 5. That the Cabinet instructs officers to explore the potential of financing the capital cost of low-carbon technologies for private housing tenures, through the provision of grants and loans. 6. That a further report on progress be brought back to the Cabinet in January 2021.
Decision: DECISION The Cabinet:
1. Agreed that reducing domestic energy consumption, and the resultant carbon emissions, should be encouraged within Portsmouth by widening the advice and support on offer to incorporate every household in the city.
2. Approved the services detailed below, in sections 5 to 9 of this report, to be investigated and developed to strengthen the offer to non-fuel poor households.
3. Instructed officers to build a business case to create a comprehensive service offer and methodology for directing support which is appropriate and tailored to every household in the city. The business case will consider the level of resourcing available through the PCC energy services team, and consider options to increase capacity; including the exploration of strategic partnerships to provide the comprehensive service and offer.
4. Instructed officers to explore a programme for developing a local, highly-skilled workforce to deliver low-carbon, energy efficiency installations within the city.
5. Instructed officers to explore the potential of financing the capital cost of low-carbon technologies for private housing tenures, through the provision of grants and loans.
6. A further report on progress be brought back to the Cabinet in January 2021. |
Treasury Mangement Outturn Report 2019/20 PDF 505 KB Purpose To inform members and the wider community of the Council's treasury management activities in 2019/20 and of the Council's treasury management position as at 31st March 2020.
RECOMMENDED that the actual prudential and treasury management indicators based on the unaudited accounts, as shown in Appendix B, be noted (an explanation of the prudential and treasury management indicators is contained in Appendix C).
Decision: DECISION The Cabinet noted the actual prudential and treasury management indicators based on the unaudited accounts, as shown in Appendix B, (an explanation of the prudential and treasury management indicators is contained in Appendix C). |
EU Settlement Scheme PDF 316 KB
Purpose The purpose of this report is to update Cabinet on the EU Settlement Scheme and to provide updated data on the number of Portsmouth residents that have applied for Settled Status or Pre-Settled Status.
RECOMMENDED that the Cabinet 1. Note that between 28/8/18 and 30/6/20, 12,070 people from Portsmouth had applied for Settled or Pre-Settled status. Nearly 6,200 of these applications had resulted in Settled Status being granted and nearly 5,000 in Pre-Settled Status being granted. 2. Agree that the City Council should use its digital and other communication channels to promote the importance to EU Citizens living in Portsmouth and / or working for the Council of applying for Settled Status or Pre-Settled Status before the end of June 2021
Additional documents: Decision: DECISION 1. Noted that between 28/8/18 and 30/6/20, 12,070 people from Portsmouth had applied for Settled or Pre-Settled status. Nearly 6,200 of these applications had resulted in Settled Status being granted and nearly 5,000 in Pre-Settled Status being granted. 2. Agreed that the City Council should use its digital and other communication channels to promote the importance to EU Citizens living in Portsmouth and / or working for the Council of applying for Settled Status or Pre-Settled Status before the end of June 2021.
The Role of Member Champions PDF 233 KB
Purpose The purpose of this report is to provide Cabinet with information on the role of Member champions and to see whether Members wish to formally change or emphasise certain aspects of this role description.
RECOMMENDED that the Cabinet: 1. Note that there are currently 5 active Member champions 2. Note that the Standards Committee in 2010 previously agreed a protocol for Member champions which is still relevant today 3. Consider whether any change to this protocol is required and in particular whether there needs to be a different agreed process for selecting new Member champions 4. Agree that each Champion should do an annual report to Council on relevant activity over the last 12 months
Additional documents: Decision: DECISION The Cabinet: 1. Noted that there are currently 5 active Member champions. 2. Noted that the Standards Committee in 2010 previously agreed a protocol for Member champions which is still relevant today. 3. Agreed that no changes to this protocol wererequired. 4. Agreed that each Champion should do an annual report to Council on relevant activity over the last 12 months |
Clean Air Zone - Consultation Feedback. PDF 399 KB Purpose This report provides an overview of the results of the recent public consultation that sought views on the operation of the charging Clean Air Zone (CAZ) in Portsmouth. In particular this report discusses the results relating to changes to the CAZ boundary.
Central Government has imposed a Ministerial Direction on the City Council to deliver a Class B charging CAZ (and other measures) to reduce levels of nitrogen dioxide to comply with at least the legal limit value in the shortest possible time1. Therefore the report explains how the consultation results will be used as part of the council's work to address the requirements of this direction.
The report explains how the data collected from the public consultation will be used to inform the final design of the CAZ and the production of Portsmouth's Local Air Quality Plan Final Business Case which must be submitted to central Government later this year.
RECOMMENDED that Cabinet: 1. Approve removal of Kingston Crescent and Fratton Road from the within CAZ boundary. 2. Approve reduction of the CAZ boundary to remove Fratton Roundabout and Holbrook Road Roundabout 3. Do not approve the reduction of the CAZ boundary to enable access to the Isle of Wight ferry terminal. 4. Approve the reduction of the CAZ boundary to fall south of Princess Royal Way. 5. Do not approve increasing the size of the CAZ to cover the whole of Portsea Island. 6. Delegate authority to the Cabinet Members for Traffic & Transport and Environment & Climate Change to approve minor changes to the CAZ boundary that may arise as a result of the detailed site surveys which are yet to be undertaken
The report that was marked as to follow and the appendices were published on 29 September except for appendix 1 which was published on 5 October. Additional documents:
Decision: DECISION 1. Noted the consultation responses.
2. Will ask the government once again to fund the practical solutions we asked for to tackle air pollution: car and van scrappage scheme to get the older more polluting cars off the roads, the same level of funding to support public transport, walking and cycling as councils in London get (11 times what Portsmouth gets), half price bus passes for all citizens to encourage people to leave their cars at home. These would make a real lasting difference to air quality and people's health and wellbeing across the whole of Portsmouth
3. If the Government will not accede to these reasonable, sustainable requests then the CAZ should be implemented with the boundaries as in the original consultation document, but removing Kingston Crescent, Fratton Road, Fratton Bridge Roundabout and Holbrook Road Roundabout due to their inclusion resulting only in pollution being shifted to the east and south of the city.
4. Recognised that any CAZ will only be in place to secure compliance for two locations, A3 Alfred Road and A3 Mile End Road/Commercial Road, as per the government guidance and is not intended to address the air pollution, air quality or people's wellbeing issues in the whole of Portsmouth.
Exclusion of Press and Public “That, under the provisions of Section 100A of the Local Government Act, 1972 as amended by the Local Government (Access to Information) Act, 1985, the press and public be excluded for the consideration of the following item on the grounds that the report(s) contain information defined as exempt in Part 1 of Schedule 12A to the Local Government Act, 1972”.
The public interest in maintaining the exemption must outweigh the public interest in disclosing the information.
Under the Local Authorities (Executive Arrangements) (Meetings and Access to Information) England Regulations 2012, regulation 5, the reasons for exemption of the listed item is shown below.
Members of the public may make representation as to why the item should be held in open session. A statement of the Council’s response to representations received will be given at the meeting so that this can be taken into account when members decide whether or not to deal with the item under exempt business.
(NB The exempt/confidential committee papers on the agenda will contain information which is commercially, legally or personally sensitive and should not be divulged to third parties. Members are reminded of standing order restrictions on the disclosure of exempt information and are invited to return their exempt documentation to the Local Democracy Officer at the conclusion of the meeting for shredding.)
Paragraph 3 - Information relating to the financial or business affairs of any particular person (including the authority holding that information). Decision: DECISION
“That, under the provisions of Section 100A of the Local Government Act, 1972 as amended by the Local Government (Access to Information) Act, 1985, the press and public be excluded for the consideration of the following item on the grounds that the report(s) contain information defined as exempt in Part 1 of Schedule 12A to the Local Government Act, 1972”.
The public interest in maintaining the exemption must outweigh the public interest in disclosing the information.
Under the Local Authorities (Executive Arrangements) (Meetings and Access to Information) England Regulations 2012, regulation 5, the reasons for exemption of the listed item is shown below.
Members of the public may make representation as to why the item should be held in open session. A statement of the Council’s response to representations received will be given at the meeting so that this can be taken into account when members decide whether or not to deal with the item under exempt business.
Item 10 Tipner West Regeneration Programme - appendix 2 (only).
Paragraph 3 - Information relating to the financial or business affairs of any particular person (including the authority holding that information). |
Tipner Regeneration PDF 186 KB Purpose 1. To update members on the design and consultation work undertaken to date, noting feedback from residents and the market. 2. To obtain, "In Principle" member approval for the Tipner West scheme to be taken through to planning, and other consenting requirements, highlighting the planning route and the risks. 3. To obtain member approval for the expenditure required to obtain planning and other statutory consents for the scheme, subject to certain conditions. 4. To obtain member approval to complete the acquisition of land at the Tipner peninsular and 'other' compensatory land required to deliver the scheme.
RECOMMENDED that the Cabinet: 1. Notes the comments from the public consultation and market engagement.
2. Approve in principle the proposed design and mix of use types as noted in 3.6 and delegate to the Director of Regeneration progression of design works in line with these principles for the purposes of the necessary planning applications under the Town and Country Planning Act ('TCPA') and the Transport Works Act 1992 ('TWA') Order. Prior to submission, both applications are subject to the prior approval of the Full Council required in relation to promotion of applications and orders under the TWA.
3. Approve the release of up to £8m of funding from the city deal grant for the preparation of the TWA and TCPA applications, and any other necessary additional consents relating to the proposed Tipner development; funding to be released through a "gateway" process following the satisfactory achievement of the criteria set out in recommendation 2.1.4 below
4. The criteria to be achieved to enable the funding to be released is as follows and will require the approval of the S.151 Officer in consultation with the Director of Regeneration and the Cabinet Member with responsibility for the scheme:
i) It is expenditure that is required to complete an Outline Business Case (required to lever in additional grant funding) or required to prepare the TWA, TCPA
ii) Funding route(s) have been identified as being available to the Council (not necessarily confirmed) sufficient to substantially (95%) meet the overall gross development cost of the scheme i.e. any "viability gap" remains at less than 5%
iii) That prior to the entering into each contract for spend, there is an evaluation that demonstrates that there remains reasonable expectation that any viability gap can be met in full from either additional external funding or modification to the scheme and that an evidence base can be provided to form that "reasonable expectation"
iv) Delegates to the Assistant Director Property & Investment, in consultation with the Director of Finance and S.151 officer to negotiate and complete the acquisition of land at the Tipner peninsular and 'other' compensatory land but subject to a satisfactory financial appraisal and reasonable expectation of overall scheme viability with any acquisition costs to be funded from the City Deal Grant.
Additional documents:
Decision: DECISION
The Cabinet 1. Noted the comments from the public consultation and market engagement. 2. Approved in principle the proposed design and mix of use types as noted in 3.6 and delegate to the Director of Regeneration progression of design works in line with these principles for the purposes of the necessary planning applications under the Town and Country Planning Act ('TCPA') and the Transport Works Act 1992 ('TWA') Order. Prior to submission, both applications are subject to the prior approval of the Full Council required in relation to promotion of applications and orders under the TWA. 3. Approved the release of up to £8m of funding from the city deal grant for the preparation of the TWA and TCPA applications, and any other necessary additional consents relating to the proposed Tipner development; funding to be released through a "gateway" process following the satisfactory achievement of the criteria set out in recommendation 2.1.4 below
4. The criteria to be achieved to enable the funding to be released is as follows and will require the approval of the S.151 Officer in consultation with the Director of Regeneration and the Cabinet Member with responsibility for the scheme:
i) It is expenditure that is required to complete an Outline Business Case (required to lever in additional grant funding) or required to prepare the TWA, TCPA
ii) Funding route(s) have been identified as being available to the Council (not necessarily confirmed) sufficient to substantially (95%) meet the overall gross development cost of the scheme i.e. any "viability gap" remains at less than 5%
iii) That prior to the entering into each contract for spend, there is an evaluation that demonstrates that there remains reasonable expectation that any viability gap can be met in full from either additional external funding or modification to the scheme and that an evidence base can be provided to form that "reasonable expectation."
iv) Delegates to the Assistant Director Property & Investment, in consultation with the Director of Finance and S.151 officer to negotiate and complete the acquisition of land at the Tipner peninsular and 'other' compensatory land but subject to a satisfactory financial appraisal and reasonable expectation of overall scheme viability with any acquisition costs to be funded from the City Deal Grant. |