Venue: Executive Meeting Room - The Guildhall (Floor 3)
Contact: Joanne Wildsmith, Democratic Services Tel 9283 4057 Email:
No. | Item |
Apologies for Absence |
Declarations of Interests |
Record of Previous Decision Meeting - 26 February 2019 PDF 93 KB A draft copy of the record of the previous decisions taken at Cabinet on 26 February 2019 are attached for approval.
Modern Slavery Statement PDF 192 KB The purpose of the report by the Director of Human Resources, Legal & Performance is to provide context to the council's Modern Slavery Transparency Statement and seek approval to publish the statement on the council's website (appendix 1).
RECOMMENDED that Cabinet approves
i) The Modern Slavery Transparency Statement for publication on the council's website (see Appendix 1) and ii) The programme of work set out in item 13 of the statement
iii) That Full Council is asked to note the recommendations for information only Additional documents:
Decision: The Cabinet approved: i) The Modern Slavery Transparency Statement for publication on the council's website (as at Appendix 1) ii) The programme of work set out in item 13 of the statement
The Cabinet asked that iii) That Full Council note the recommendations for information only. |
Play, Youth and Community Annual Plan (and links to associated Communications Plan) PDF 115 KB The purpose of the report by the Director of Housing, Neighbourhood and Building Services is to seek approval for the Play, Youth and Community Annual Plan, designed to provide a framework to the work of the Play, Youth and Community Services.
The Annual Plan provides a framework to ensure timely, cross service messages and information to children, young people and their families about relevant seasonal issues and National Campaigns.
RECOMMENDED that the Cabinet:
(1) recognise the benefit of greater co-ordination between the Play, Youth and Community Services of resources and information though implementation of the Annual Plan;
(2) acknowledge the link to the Holiday Food and Fun Programme;
(3) acknowledge the link between the Annual Plan and the Communication Strategy for Housing, Neighbourhood and Building Services. Additional documents: Decision: The Cabinet:
(1) recognised the benefit of greater co-ordination between the Play, Youth and Community Services of resources and information though implementation of the Annual Plan;
(2) acknowledged the link to the Holiday Food and Fun Programme;
(3) acknowledged the link between the Annual Plan and the Communication Strategy for Housing, Neighbourhood and Building Services. |
Play, Youth and Community Volunteering Policy PDF 89 KB The report by the Director of Housing, Neighbourhood and Building Services seeks approval for the implementation of the updated volunteering policy for the Play, Youth and Community Services operated within Housing, Neighbourhood and Building Services (HNB).
RECOMMENDED that Cabinet:
(1) approve the attached policy; (2) approve the implementation of the policy from the 1st April 2019. Additional documents:
Decision: The Cabinet:
(1) approved the policy (as attached to the report); (2) approved the implementation of the policy from the 1st April 2019 |
Play, Youth and Community Safeguarding Policy PDF 89 KB To seek approval for the implementation of the updated Safeguarding Policy for the Play, Youth and Community Services operated by Housing, Neighbourhood and Building (HNB) Services.
RECOMMENDED that Cabinet:
(1) approve the attached policy; (2) approve the implementation of the policy from the 1st April 2019. Additional documents:
Decision: The Cabinet:
(1) approved the policy (as attached to the report) ; (2) approved the implementation of the policy from the 1st April 2019. |
Holiday Hunger update PDF 97 KB The report by the Director of Housing, Neighbourhood and Building Services seeks approval to continue with the Holiday Food & Fun programme. The programme has successfully provided approx. 7000 healthy snacks and meals during summer 2018. This programme addresses more than the provision of healthy foods to reduce hunger during the school holidays; and in 2019/20 we plan to do more including the focus on education around healthy lifestyles, increasing physical activity, improving mental health & wellbeing, and bringing communities together in a variety of ways.
RECOMMENDED that Cabinet:
(1) recognise future opportunities and recommendations following the success of the previous pilot project. (2) agree an allocation of £10,000 from the existing play & youth service budget to allow continuation, growth and longevity of the programme. (3) seek Cabinet approval to execute the future plans as set out in the Holiday Food & Fun Programme Report 2019 (see appendix A - section 10) Additional documents:
Decision: The Cabinet:
(1) recognised future opportunities and recommendations following the success of the previous pilot project. (2) agreed an allocation of £10,000 from the existing play & youth service budget to allow continuation, growth and longevity of the programme. (3) gave approval to execute the future plans as set out in the Holiday Food & Fun Programme Report 2019 (as set out in appendix A - section 10). |
The Director of Regeneration's response report has the Traffic, Environment & Community Safety (TECS) Scrutiny Panel's report appended to it, which looked at "A review of general parking issues in Portsmouth with a view to considering alternative strategies". Councillor Simon Bosher is invited to attend as Chair of the TECS Scrutiny Panel.
(1) The Panel is thanked for its work in undertaking the review;
(2) The Traffic, Environment & Community Safety Scrutiny Panel's recommendations be approved in line with the responses noted in paragraph 5 of the Director of Regeneration's report. Additional documents: Decision: The Cabinet
(1) Thanked the TECS Scrutiny Panel for its work in undertaking the review;
(2) The Traffic, Environment & Community Safety Scrutiny Panel's recommendations be approved in line with the responses noted in paragraph 5 of the Director of Regeneration's report, with the modification on acceptance of TECS Recommendation 3 "The current piecemeal approach to RPZs be reconsidered with a view to introducing a city-wide strategy or alternatively removing all parking zones" as the Cabinet view is now with a rolling programme of consultation this is no longer happening. |
Forward Plan Omission The Treasury Management Policy report by the Director of Finance was omitted form the Forward Plan covering March 2019 published on 7 February 2019. The Chair of the City Council's Scrutiny Management Panel has been notified and a public notice published.
RECOMMENDED that Cabinet note:
(1) the omission to the Forward Plan for March 2019 (2) the publication of the omission notice. Decision: The Cabinet noted:
(1) the omission to the Forward Plan for March 2019 (2) the publication of the omission notice.
(This item was for information and is not subject to call-in) |
Treasury Management Policy 2019/20 PDF 182 KB The purpose of the report by the Director of Finance and Section 151 Officer is to obtain the Council’s approval of the updated Treasury Management Policy Statement which includes the Annual Investment Strategy.
RECOMMENDED TO COUNCIL: (1) that the treasury management indicators contained in Appendix D be approved; (2) that the attached Treasury Management Policy Statement including the Treasury Management Strategy, and Annual Investment Strategy for 2019/20 be approved; (3) that the following changes compared to the previous Annual Investment Strategy be noted: (i) That a new category of non-specified investments be added to permit investment in pooled investment vehicles including equity funds, property funds, supply chain finance funds and multi asset funds with a limit of £50m per fund (ii) That the maximum limit of an investment in a subsidiary company be increased from £20m to £30m (4) the Director of Finance and Information Technology (Section 151 Officer) and officers nominated by him have delegated authority to (paragraph 3.2 of Treasury Management Policy Statement): (i) invest surplus funds in accordance with the approved Annual Investment Strategy; (ii) borrow to finance short term cash deficits and capital payments from any reputable source within the authorised limit for external debt of £737m approved by the City Council on 12 February 2019; (iii) reschedule debt in order to even the maturity profile or to achieve revenue savings; (iv) to buy and sell foreign currency, and to purchase hedging instruments including forward purchases, forward options and foreign exchange rate swaps to mitigate the foreign exchange risks associated with some contracts that are either priced in foreign currencies or where the price is indexed against foreign currency exchange rates. (5) that the Chief Executive, the Leader of the City Council and the Chair of the Governance and Audit and Standards Committee be informed of any variances from the Treasury Management Policy when they become apparent, and that the Leader of the City Council be consulted on remedial action (paragraph 17.1 of Treasury Management Policy Statement) Additional documents:
Decision: The recommendations as set out in the report were endorsed for forwarding to Council for approval.
(This is not subject to call-in) |
Annual Capital Strategy PDF 332 KB The purpose of the report by the Director of Finance and Section 151 Officer is to: • enable the City Council to adopt a long term Capital Strategy from 2019/20 onwards • inform members and the wider community of the Council's Capital Strategy • ensure that Members are aware of the overall strategy, governance procedures and risk appetite • highlight the business planning inter-relationship between the Capital Strategy, capital programme, the Revenue budget, the Medium Term Financial Strategy and Treasury Management
RECOMMENDED to Council (1)That Part I of the Capital Strategy (Capital Expenditure and Aspirations) be approved including: a) The Short to Medium Term Capital Aspirations set out in Appendix B b) The Long Term Capital Aspirations set out in Appendix C (2) That Part II of the Capital Strategy (Borrowing and Investing in Property) be approved including: a) The Minimum Revenue Provision (MRP) for Debt Repayment Policy (Part II, (paragraph 1.5) b) That the risk appetite statement for borrowing as set out in Part II, paragraph 1.6 c) That the risk appetite statement for investing surplus cash as set out in Part II, paragraph 1.13 d) The investment indicators in Part II - Appendix D (part II, paragraph 2.3) e) That the Director of Finance and Information Technology (Section 151 Officer) will bring a report to the next Cabinet and City Council if (part II, paragraph 4.1): (i) The Council's gross General Fund (GF) debt exceeds 319% of GF net service expenditure or; (ii) Overall investment income from investment properties and long term treasury management investments exceeds 9.5% of GF net service expenditure Additional documents:
Decision: The recommendations as set out in the report were endorsed for forwarding to Council for approval.
(This is not subject to call-in) |
The information report by the City Solicitor seems to update the Cabinet on the outcomes of consultation on a draft Access Policy at the Camber ("the Access Policy").
Additional documents:
Decision: The information report was noted; this is not subject to call-in. |
Social Enterprise Engagement (information report) PDF 96 KB The information report by Innes Richens, Chief Health & Care Portsmouth, gives an update on the work to date with Social Enterprise organisations. Decision: The information report was noted; this is not subject to call-in. |
Adult Social Care - Care Costs (information report) PDF 188 KB The information report by Innes Richens, Chief Health & Care Portsmouth, is to provide an update on funding for care costs. Decision: The information report was noted; this is not subject to call-in. |
Date of next meeting Decision: An additional Cabinet meeting will be held on Monday 25th March 2019 at a provisional time of 1pm. |