Venue: Executive Meeting Room - The Guildhall
Contact: Joanne Wildsmith, Democratic Services Tel 9283 4057 Email:
No. | Item |
Apologies for Absence |
Declarations of Interests |
Record of Previous Decision Meetings - 29 June and 27 July 2017 PDF 145 KB A copy of the records of the previous decisions taken at Cabinet on 29 June and 27 July 2017 are attached.
RECOMMENDED that the records of decisions by Cabinet of 29 June and 27 July 2017 be approved as correct records and signed by the Chair.
Additional documents: |
ECYP Scrutiny Panel's report into Child Sexual Exploitation PDF 136 KB The Education Children & Young People (ECYP) Scrutiny Panel will be represented by Councillor Suzy Horton (subject to teaching commitments) on behalf of the panel's Chair Councillor Neill Young who sends his apologies for absence.
The response report will be presented by Alison Jeffery as Director of Children's Services.
The Education, Children and Young People Scrutiny Panel has conducted a review into how well Portsmouth City Council and partners are preventing and dealing with child sexual exploitation. The purpose of this report is to set out the response of the PCC officers (Children, Families and Education Service, Licensing and Public Health) to the Scrutiny Panel's recommendations.
RECOMMENDED (1) That the Panel is thanked for its work in undertaking the review
(2) That the Cabinet notes and supports the recommendations of the review, which are listed at the end of the Scrutiny Panel's report at appendix 1 and the response of officers which are set out in section 3 of the Director of Children's Services report. Additional documents:
Decision: (1) The ECYP Scrutiny Panel was thanked for its work in undertaking the review.
(2) The Cabinet noted and supported the recommendations of the review, as listed at the end of the Scrutiny Panel's report at appendix 1 and the response of officers as set out in section 3 of the Director of Children's Services report. |
Response report to EDCL Scrutiny Panel's Review on Smart Cities PDF 126 KB Councillor Steve Hastings, as the new Chair of Economic Development, Culture & Leisure Scrutiny Panel (EDCL) and as the Vice-Chair for this review will present the panel's report.
Claire Upton-Brown, Assistant Director of Culture & City Development will present the joint directors' response report.
(1) That the Panel is thanked for its work in undertaking the review.
(2) That the Economic Development Culture and Leisure Scrutiny Panel's recommendations be approved in line with the responses noted in item 4 of the report by the Assistant Director of Culture & City Development.
(3) That there is a visit arranged by the Assistant Director of Culture and City Development to Bristol to consider some of the initiatives that have been implemented and further consideration be given to how the City develops a Smart City Strategy.
Additional documents: Decision: (1) The EDCL Scrutiny Panel was thanked for its work in undertaking the review.
(2) That the Economic Development Culture and Leisure Scrutiny Panel's recommendations were approved in line with the responses noted in item 4 of the report by the Assistant Director of Culture & City Development.
(3) It was agreed that there be a visit, arranged by the Assistant Director of Culture and City Development, to Bristol to consider some of the initiatives that have been implemented and further consideration be given to how the City develops a Smart City Strategy. |
Revenue Budget Monitoring 2017/18 Quarter 1 - to end June 2017 PDF 67 KB The report by the Director of Finance & Information Service is to update members on the current Revenue Budget position of the Council as at the end of the first quarter for 2017/18 in accordance with the proposals set out in the “Portsmouth City Council - Budget & Council Tax 2017/18 & Medium Term Budget Forecast 2018/19 to 2020/21” report approved by the City Council on the 9th February 2017.
(1) The forecast outturn position for 2017/18 be noted:
(a) An underspend of £1,529,600 before further forecast transfers from/(to) Portfolio Specific Reserves & Ring Fenced Public Health Reserve
(b) An underspend of £684,600 after further forecast transfers from/(to) Portfolio Specific Reserves & Ring Fenced Public Health Reserve.
(2) Members note that any actual overspend at year end will in the first instance be deducted from any Portfolio Specific Reserve balance and once depleted then be deducted from the 2018/19 Cash Limit.
(3) Directors, in consultation with the appropriate Cabinet Member, consider options that seek to minimise any forecast overspend presently being reported and prepare strategies outlining how any consequent reduction to the 2018/19 Portfolio cash limit will be managed to avoid further overspending during 2018/19. Additional documents: Decision: (1) The forecast outturn position for 2017/18 was noted:
(a) An underspend of £1,529,600 before further forecast transfers from/(to) Portfolio Specific Reserves & Ring Fenced Public Health Reserve;
(b) An underspend of £684,600 after further forecast transfers from/(to) Portfolio Specific Reserves & Ring Fenced Public Health Reserve.
(2) Members noted that any actual overspend at year end will in the first instance be deducted from any Portfolio Specific Reserve balance and once depleted then be deducted from the 2018/19 Cash Limit.
(3) Directors, in consultation with the appropriate Cabinet Member, consider options that seek to minimise any forecast overspend presently being reported and prepare strategies outlining how any consequent reduction to the 2018/19 Portfolio cash limit will be managed to avoid further overspending during 2018/19. |
Treasury Management Outturn Report 2016/17 PDF 295 KB The purpose of the report by the Director of Finance is to inform members and the wider community of the Council's treasury management activities in 2016/17 and of the Council's treasury management position as at 31 March 2017.
RECOMMENDED to Council that:
(a) The actual prudential indicators based on the unaudited draft accounts, as shown in Appendix A of the report, be noted.
(b) The actual treasury management indicators for 2016/17, as shown in Appendix B, be noted. Decision: RECOMMENDED to Council that:
(a) The actual prudential indicators based on the unaudited draft accounts, as shown in Appendix A of the report, be noted.
(b) The actual treasury management indicators for 2016/17, as shown in Appendix B, be noted.
(As this item is forwarded to Council for decision it is not subject to call-in) |
Treasury Management Mid-Year Review 2017/18 PDF 356 KB The purpose of the report by the Director of Finance is to inform members and the wider community of the Council’s Treasury Management position at 31 July 2017 and to amend the Council's Treasury Management Strategy to reflect the Council's current circumstances.
In March 2009 the Chartered Institute of Public Finance and Accountancy (CIPFA) Treasury Management Panel issued a bulletin on Treasury Management in Local Authorities. The bulletin states that “in order to enshrine best practice it is suggested that authorities report formally on Treasury Management activities at least twice yearly”. The report in Appendix A covers the first four months of 2017/18.
(1) That the authorised limit for external debt be increased by £10,600,000 from £607,555,000 to £618,155,000
(2) That the operational boundary for external debt be increased by £10,600,000 from £589,255,000 to £599,855,000
(3) That non-specified investments of up to £20m are permitted in the Council's subsidiary companies including but not restricted to MMD (Shipping Services) Ltd
(4) That the actual Treasury Management indicators for July 2017 in Appendix A be noted. Decision: RECOMMENDED to Council:
(1) That the authorised limit for external debt be increased by £10,600,000 from £607,555,000 to £618,155,000
(2) That the operational boundary for external debt be increased by £10,600,000 from £589,255,000 to £599,855,000
(3) That non-specified investments of up to £20m are permitted in the Council's subsidiary companies including but not restricted to MMD (Shipping Services) Ltd
(4) That the actual Treasury Management indicators for July 2017 in Appendix A be noted.
(As this item is referred to Council for decision it is not subject to call-in) |
Changes to some Cabinet decision meeting dates (information item) Please note that there have been some adjustment to Cabinet meeting dates during this municipal year:
The meeting scheduled for Thursday 7th December moves to Monday 11th December at 12 noon.
The meeting scheduled for Thursday 15th March 2018 moves to the next day, Friday 16th March at 12 noon. Decision: The Cabinet date adjustments were noted for these meetings:
Thursday 7th December moves to Monday 11th December at 12 noon.
Thursday 15th March 2018 moves to the next day, Friday 16th March at 12 noon.
(This information item is not subject to call-in) |