Venue: Council Chamber - The Guildhall, Portsmouth. View directions
Contact: Democratic Services Tel 023 9283 4870 Email:
No. | Item |
Meeting information: Risk assessment for Council Chamber |
Apologies for Absence |
Declarations of Members' Interests |
Minutes of the Previous Meeting RECOMMENDED that the minutes of the Licensing Policy meeting held on 15 October 2021 be approved as a correct record.
London Road taxi rank update This report will follow. |
Purpose The purpose of the report is to detail the commitment made at Full Council on 9 November 2021, to undertake a minimum 3 month trial to allow Portsmouth City Council licensed Private Hire Vehicles (PHV's) in bus lanes in Portsmouth.
RECOMMENDED that the report be noted. |
Purpose of report 1. To consider proposed amendments to the adopted statement of licensing policy for the control and supervision of the hackney carriage and private hire trades within Portsmouth ("the PCC policy")
2. To note and implement, where necessary, changes to the PCC policy having regard to the statutory Taxi and Private Hire Vehicle Standards guidance issued by the Secretary of State for Transport in July 2020
3. To submit the proposed policy amendments for trade and public consultation between the period 01 January and 31 March 2022.
4. To reconvene at a future date to consider all and any responses received.
Recommendations 1) That the Licensing Committee notes and approves the contents of the report and appendices and delegates authority to the Head of Service to arrange for the formal distribution and consultation on any agreed amendment and for responses to be received between 01 January and 31 March 2022.
2) That the committee agree to meet on a future date after 31 March 2022 to consider any policy amendments (having regard to any representations received) and with a view to agree an implementation date for the policy and any approved changes.
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