Venue: The Executive Meeting Room - Third Floor, The Guildhall, Portsmouth. View directions
Contact: Joanne Wildsmith, Democratic Services Email:
Webcast: View the webcast
No. | Item |
Apologies for Absence |
Declarations of Members' Interests |
Minutes of the Previous Meeting RECOMMENDED that the minutes of the Licensing Policy meeting held on 20 February 2020 be approved as a correct record. |
Implementation of amended policy - Magnetic Council Signage on Licensed Vehicles
Purpose of report The purpose of this report is to update the Licensing Committee on the logistical arrangements in respect of its amended policy to permit magnetic Council signage on licensed vehicles which was agreed at the meeting of the Licensing Committee on 20 February 2020.
RECOMMENDED a)That the Licensing Committee note the contents of this report as regards the manufacture and supply of Council magnetic livery;
b)To amend the private hire driver, private hire vehicle and hackney carriage vehicle licence conditions to include the following condition:
(i)The driver/proprietor shall ensure that the Council prescribed vehicle identification livery is affixed to the licensed vehicle at all times the vehicle is available for hire or presented to the Councillor its agents for any purpose;
c)That the Licensing Committee approves the amendment of "The Points System" to include a new vehicle breach for failure to display prescribed HCV/PHV vehicle identification livery;
d)That the Licensing Committee note the statutory requirements for notification of charges in relation to the supply of Council signage and give approval to the Licensing Manager to undertake the statutory consultation process;
e)That the Licensing Committee approve the commencement of the use of both company and Council magnetic signage with effect from 1 June2020;
f)That the use of magnetic signage on licensed vehicles be reviewed by the Licensing Committee after 12 months from the commencement of the use of both company and Council magnetic signage.
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Purpose of report To consider hackney carriage trade proposals (from Mr Viv Young) for the appointment and/or variation of established hackney carriage stands in the city; together with proposals to revoke such stands now considered to be obsolete due to historical non-use.
To seek approval to consult with the Highway Authority on any proposals and to recommend any subsequent appointments, variations or revocations of taxi stands to the Executive, appropriate cabinet member (or MIS) as appropriate.
RECOMMENDED 1. That the Licensing Committee notes the preliminary advice of both the Licensing Manager and highway authority on individual stand proposals as detailed in Appendix A;
2.That the Licensing Manager, together with appropriate officers of the highway authority, be authorised to formulate any final proposals for consideration by the Executive (or appropriate cabinet member as may be determined) by no later than 10 April 2020;
3. That, as a consequence of 2 above, it is recommended that the City Solicitor be authorised to subsequently give formal public notice of such final proposals on behalf of the council as appropriate.
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