Venue: The Executive Meeting Room - Third Floor, The Guildhall, Portsmouth. View directions
Contact: Joanne Wildsmith Democratic Services Tel: 02392 834057 Email:
No. | Item |
Apologies for Absence |
Declarations of Members' Interests |
Minutes of the Previous Meeting - 23 June 2017 PDF 114 KB The minutes of the Licensing (Policy) Committee held on 23 June 2017 are attached.
RECOMMENDED that the minutes of the previous Licensing (Policy) Committee held on 23 June 2017 be approved as a correct record, to be signed by the Chair. |
Survey for unmet demand for Hackney Carriage Vehicles PDF 381 KB
The purpose of the report by the Licensing Manager is to receive and consider the Vector Transport Consultancy report and appendices ("The Vector Report") into the demand or otherwise for the services of hackney carriages and to determine, as a matter of local policy, the number of hackney carriage vehicles licensed to stand and ply for hire within the City of Portsmouth.
(1) That the report be received and noted;
(2) That the Licensing Committee note the report conclusions that "there is no significant unmet demand" for the services of hackney carriages within the City of Portsmouth;
(3) That, as a consequence to (2) above, the Licensing Committee determine the number of hackney carriages licensed to ply for hire within the city (currently 234 vehicles) as follows:
i. To maintain the current limit of 234 licensed hackney carriages
ii. OR to issue such further number of hackney carriage vehicle licences as the committee thinks fit and subject to existing policy requirements (particularly relating to vehicle specification and vehicle age limits)
iii. OR to remove completely the limit on the number of hackney carriage vehicle licences in Portsmouth (subject to existing vehicle policy requirements) and let market forces determine the number of licensed hackney carriage vehicles standing and plying for hire within the city
(4) That the Director of Culture & City Development be authorised to amend such policy directives, conditions of licence and application procedures commensurate with any formal resolutions of the committee.
Additional documents:
Prosecutions, Appeals and Enforcement Action Update - Licensing Matters PDF 385 KB The purpose of the report by the Licensing Manager is to update and advise members of prosecutions, appeals and other targeted enforcement action taken in respect of licensing matters and on behalf of the Licensing Manager and Director of Culture and City Development. It is normal policy to provide details of any prosecutions to the committee for information purposes.
RECOMMENDED that the report be noted. |