4 Children's Social Care Budget Outturn PDF 495 KB
Purpose of report
To inform the Cabinet Member of the revenue expenditure position within the Children's Social Care portfolio cash limit for the financial year 2015-16. This report sets out the budget position and contributing factors to the final portfolio overspend at the end of the financial year.
RECOMMENDED that the Cabinet Member:
§ Notes the Children's Social Care portfolio outturn position for 2015/16, of £1.398m in excess of the approved cash limit provision.
§ Notes the ongoing budget pressures within the portfolio, and the need for continued action to reduce the expenditure of Children's Social Care service so that it can operate within its authorised cash limit for 2016-17.
The report was introduced by Richard Webb, Finance Manager.
In response to questions the following points were clarified by Richard Webb and Sarah Newman:
· Unaccompanied Asylum Seeking Children (UASC) are generally adolescent males who arrive through the port and they are placed in appropriate provision for their needs. This might be a foster placement, support lodgings or hostel. The National Voluntary Dispersal Scheme came into force on 1 July and stipulates that each authority should have 0.07% UASC per 10,000 child population. Portsmouth should therefore be allocated 33 however we currently have 35 UASC's. Therefore if any more UASC's arrive the council can ask colleagues in neighbouring local authorities to help.
· Currently the net cost of supporting both UASC and the related care leavers is estimated circa £640,000 a year.
· With the increase in the rate of funding from central government for new UASC arrivals from 1 July 2016, the net cost for supporting these new children is expected to be less.
DECISION: The Cabinet Member
(1) Noted the Children's Social Care portfolio outturn position for 2015/16, of £1.398m in excess of the approved cash limit provision.
(2) Noted the ongoing budget pressures within the portfolio, and the need for continued action to reduce the expenditure of Children's Social Care service so that it can operate within its authorised cash limit for 2016-17.