3 Foster Carer Allowance Review PDF 240 KB
Purpose of report
provide the Cabinet Member with an update, following a review of
the allowances and skills fees for foster carers, staying put,
family link and lodgings plus carers; and to seek approval to
implement the revised policy (which includes the scale of
allowances & fees table) at Appendix 1.
RECOMMENDED that the Cabinet Member:
(1) Approve the revised policy (including the scale of allowances and fees table) at Appendix 1, with effect from 01 August 2016, and specifically note the following key changes:
i. The proposal to amend the Level 3 skill fee, in order to introduce a flat rate skill fee of £300 across all age bands.
ii. The proposal to adjust the holiday, birthday and festivity allowances, in order to bring them in line with the Standard Fostering Allowance (SFA). The 'annual school holiday' allowance will be equivalent to two weeks of the SFA, whilst the Birthday & Festivity Allowance will each be aligned to the equivalent of one week SFA.
iii. The proposal to introduce a new payments scheme for Parent and Child placements, which is aligned to the fostering and 'lodgings plus' payment rates.
iv. The expectation that Disability Living Allowance will be used to meet the extra costs of caring for a disabled child.
v. The inclusion of the 'Staying Put' allowances within the revised policy document.
(2) Agree that for Level 3 carers who are currently caring for children between the ages of 0 and 10, they will continue to receive the current Level 3 fees for those children currently in placement, whilst they continue to care for them, until they reach the age of 11. Any new placements with these carers would be undertaken at the new rates.
(3) Agree that foster carers will receive the child savings amount within their weekly payment and that they will now be expected to set up the child bank accounts and ensure that the savings are appropriately deposited for the children in their care.
(4) Agree that the Deputy Director of Children's Services - Safeguarding in consultation with the S.151 officer, may adjust the Standard Fostering Allowance in line with changes to the Government Minimum Fostering Allowance - South East; having consulted with carers.
Additional documents:
Richard Webb, Finance Manager and Kate Freeman, Looked After Children Service Commissioning Manager, introduced the report.
Richard Webb advised that the implementation date for the new policy would be 31 July, and not 1 August as stated in the report, as this needed to start on a Sunday.
In response to questions the
following points were clarified by officers:
· Based on the February 2016 cohort of carers and looked after children, the estimated financial impact of the changes to the level 3 skill fees, holiday, birthday and festivity allowances would amount to a saving of circa £(34,000) annually. With the application of the proposed transitional protection for the Level 3 carers currently caring for children aged 0 to 10, the financial impact of these arrangements would lead to an overall cost of circa £22,000 annually.
· Foster carers were consulted and their feedback was taken on board as shown at Appendix 2. Some of the feedback resulted in changes to the proposal and the LA believe they have generally maintained satisfaction with foster carers.
· The driver for the changes was to ensure equity across allowances .
· The level 3 skill fee that Hampshire County Council has in place is just above £300 so this proposal would be fairly in line with them.
· The new policy would be closely monitored.
· Regarding concerns that only 22 responses were received to the consultation, officers advised that there are 170 carers at any time. The proposals have been discussed at the quarterly liaison meetings. Individual discussions have also take place with the specific foster carers affected so that they are fully aware of the proposed changes.
· There is a quality assurance process with regard to foster carers setting up bank accounts for young people and carers can be held to account if they are not doing this. The individual reviewing officers will report, if a young person's savings are not being used properly.
DECISION: the Cabinet Member
(1) Approved the revised policy (including the scale of allowances and fees table) at Appendix 1, with effect from 31 July 2016, and specifically noted the following key changes:
i. The proposal to amend the Level 3 skill fee, in order to introduce a flat rate skill fee of £300 across all age bands.
ii. The proposal to adjust the holiday, birthday and festivity allowances, in order to bring them in line with the Standard Fostering Allowance (SFA). The 'annual school holiday' allowance will be equivalent to two weeks of the SFA, whilst the Birthday & Festivity Allowance will each be aligned to the equivalent of one week SFA.
iii. The proposal to introduce a new payments scheme for Parent and Child placements, which is aligned to the fostering and 'lodgings plus' payment rates.
iv. The expectation that Disability Living Allowance will be used to meet the extra costs of caring for a disabled child.
v. The inclusion of the 'Staying Put' allowances within the revised policy document.
(2) Agreed that for Level 3 carers ... view the full minutes text for item 3