21 Portsmouth School Place Planning Strategy 2024-2029 PDF 98 KB
To update Members on the key issues affecting school place planning in Portsmouth and to agree the attached strategy for addressing the seven key priority areas.
RECOMMENDED that the Cabinet Member for Children, Families and Education agree the Portsmouth School Place Planning Strategy for 2024-2029 (attached).
Additional documents:
The Head of Sufficiency and Resources introduced the report and provided Members with an update on the key issues affecting school place planning in Portsmouth. She explained that the strategy attached to the report aimed to address the seven identified key priority areas set out in section 4 of the report including ensuring there are enough secondary school places and suitable places for the growing number of children with SEND while also responding to the declining birthrate which is reducing the number of places needed in infant and junior schools.
Members' Comments
Councillor Tom Coles welcomed the approach taken in the strategy and noted that ensuring there was flexibility to respond was important. He commented that his child's primary school had cut back from three form entry to two, but that it had retained the potential to increase back to three form entry if needed. Councillor Suzy Horton agreed, noting that over the past ten years there had been unforeseen increases in SEND needs and that it was important to be able to respond to a constantly changing situation.
DECISIONS - the Cabinet Member for Children, Families and Education agreed the Portsmouth School Place Planning Strategy for 2024-2029 (attached to the report).