22 SACRE proposed revised constitution PDF 115 KB
A Standing Advisory Council of Religious Education's (SACRE’s) constitution is broadly determined by the Education Act 1996, Sections 390–399 and Statutory Instrument 1994 Number 1304: The Religious Education (Meetings of Local Conferences and Councils) Regulations 1994. SACREs need to have constitutions which should conform to the legislation.
RECOMMENDED that the Cabinet Member for Children, Families and Education:
a) Accepts the request by the SACRE to revise its constitution; and
b) Endorses the proposed Portsmouth SACRE constitution as amended by the SACRE at its meeting on 12 June 2024.
Additional documents:
The Head of Sufficiency and Resources introduced the report and explained that the Portsmouth SACRE had last reviewed its constitution in 2019 and with this review had provided additional clarity on its membership and some procedural aspects relating to the organisation of meetings. The SACRE had met on 12 June 2024 and had agreed to recommend the revised draft to the Cabinet Member for approval.
Members' Comments
Councillor Suzy Horton commented that the SACRE is an interesting group, and its meetings are well attended. In these times where we need to embrace differences in people, not just in religion, there is a place for this. She added that the work the SACRE does to support teachers and this area of the curriculum is important in our multi-cultural city.
Mike Stoneman, Deputy Director (Education), noted that the majority of schools adopt and deliver Living Difference IV, the locally agreed syllabus.
DECISIONS - the Cabinet Member for Children, Families and Education:
a) Accepted the request by the SACRE to revise its constitution; and
b) Endorsed the proposed Portsmouth SACRE constitution as amended by the SACRE at its meeting on 12 June 2024.