LTP Casualty & Speed Reduction - Grove Road North/Grove Road South/Elm Grove Junction
Purpose of Report
This report seeks a formal decision from the Cabinet Member for Transport to proceed with the proposed Casualty and Speed Reduction Scheme on Elm Grove/Grove Road North/Grove Road South junction in Southsea.
It is recommended that the Cabinet Member for Transport:
1. Approves the proposed Casualty and Speed Reduction scheme on Grove Road North/Grove Road South/Elm Grove junction in Southsea;
2. Approves the introduction of the parking and waiting restrictions proposed in TRO PO04-24, with the exception of time-limited parking on the east side of Grove Road South outside Nos. 52 and 50;
3. Notes the extensive consultation and engagement that has been undertaken on this scheme with both businesses and residents in the surrounding area.
Additional documents:
Bethan Clemence, Transport Delivery Manager presented the report, the purpose of which was to seek a formal decision from the Cabinet Member for Transport to proceed with the proposed Casualty and Speed Reduction Scheme on Elm Grove/Grove Road South/Grove Road North junction.
Members' questions
In response to Members' questions, officers clarified:
· The engagement with businesses had identified that customer parking as well as access to loading was of concern. This prompted further investigation, and a parking capacity review was undertaken.
· In relation to the time taken it was noted that there had been two pre-election periods during the consultation period, one for the local elections and one for the general election which had added some delay to the scheme.
Members' comments
Members were in support of the recommendations but were concerned at the overall time it had taken for this to be brought to the Cabinet Member for a decision.
The Cabinet Member for Transport:
1) Approved the proposed Casualty and Speed Reduction scheme on Grove Road North/Grove Road South/Elm Grove junction in Southsea;
2) Approved the introduction of the parking and waiting restriction proposed in TRO PO04-24, with the exception of time-limited parking on the east side of Grove Road South outside numbers 52 and 50;
3) Noted the extensive consultation and engagement that had been undertaken on the scheme with both businesses and residents in the surrounding area.