Issue - meetings

Beverston Road One Way - TRO Consultation

Meeting: 30/01/2024 - Cabinet Member for Transport (Item 6)

TRO 115/2023: Proposed One-way, Beverston Road

Purpose of Report

To consider the implementation of the proposed one-way street within Beverston Road, Paulsgrove as outlined in appendix A of this report.




It is recommended that the Cabinet Member for Transport approves the implementation of TRO 115/2023.



Additional documents:


Approved the implementation of TRO 115/2023.


Michelle love, Safer Travel Manager, presented the report, the purpose of which was to consider the implementation of the proposed one-way street within Beverston Road, Paulsgrove as outlined in Appendix A of the report.


Members' questions

There were no questions.


Members' comments

Members were in full agreement with the report and the recommendations.



The Cabinet Member for Transport approved the implementation of TRO 115/2023