Concessionary Fares Scheme Reimbursement to Bus Operators
Purpose of Report
This report provides updated recommendations for concessionary bus passes reimbursement to bus operators in 2024/25 in accordance with the new guidance issued by the Department for Transport (DfT) on 30 November 2023.
It is recommended that the Cabinet Member for Transport:
1. Notes the contents of this report;
2. Approves that the bus operator reimbursement rate to continue using actual journeys made with a concessionary pass from 1 April 2024 using the revised guidance from the Department for Transport (DfT);
3. The Council will use Medium Urban Discount Fare Factor to reimburse bus operators;
4. Approves that any unallocated concessionary travel budget be used to meet the cost for supporting non-commercial bus services during 2024/25 following DfT guidance;
5. Approves making the free travel to hospital appointments permanent noting the results of the trial;
6. Delegates authority to the Cabinet Member for Transport in conjunction with the Assistant Director for Economy, Planning and Transport and the S151 Officer, to make any necessary changes within the allocated budget.
Additional documents:
1. Noted the contents of the report;
2. Approved that the bus operator reimbursement rate to continue using actual journeys made with a concessionary pass from 1 April 2023 using the revised guidance from the Department for Transport (DfT);
3. Approved that the Council will use Medium Urban Discount Fare Factor to reimburse bus operators;
4. Approved that any unallocated concessionary travel budget be used to meet the cost for supporting non-commercial bus services during 2024/25 following DfT guidance;
5. Approved making the free travel to hospital appointments permanent noting the results of the trial.
6. Delegated authority to the Cabinet Member for Transport in conjunction with the Assistant Director for Economy, Planning and Transport and the S151 Officer, to make any necessary changes within the allocated budget.
Simon Bell, Principal Public Transport Officer, presented the report, the purpose of which was to provide updated recommendations for concessionary bus passes reimbursement to bus operators in 2024/25 in accordance with the new guidance issued by the Department for Transport (DfT) on 30 November 2023. He noted the change in the DfT guidance at Appendix A which listed all the categories, and that Portsmouth City Council falls within the medium urban category.
Members' questions
There were no questions.
Members' comments
Members were pleased to see that hospital appointment journeys had been made permanent.
Members were pleased that Portsmouth City Council fell within the medium urban category which was the best financial position for the city.
The Cabinet Member for Transport:
1. Noted the contents of the report;
2. Approved that the bus operator reimbursement rate to continue using actual journeys made with a concessionary pass from 1 April 2023 using the revised guidance from the Department for Transport (DfT);
3. Approved that the Council will use Medium Urban Discount Fare Factor to reimburse bus operators;
4. Approved that any unallocated concessionary travel budget be used to meet the cost for supporting non-commercial bus services during 2024/25 following DfT guidance;
5. Approved making the free travel to hospital appointments permanent noting the results of the trial.
6. Delegated authority to the Cabinet Member for Transport in conjunction with the Assistant Director for Economy, Planning and Transport and the S151 Officer, to make any necessary changes within the allocated budget.