Issue - meetings

SEHRT City Centre South TRO and Design

Meeting: 12/10/2023 - Cabinet Member for Transport (Item 34)

SEHRT City Centre South - design approval

Purpose of Report

To seek approval of the design of the City Centre South project, which is a part of the South East Hampshire Rapid Transit (SEHRT) programme of works.



It is recommended that the Cabinet Member for Transport approves the City Centre South scheme.

Additional documents:


Barnaby Fry, Principal Project Manager, presented the report, the purpose of which was to seek approval of the design of the City Centre South project, which is part of the Southeast Hampshire Rapid Transit (SEHRT) programme of works.


Members' questions

In response to members' questions, officers clarified:


·         The intention is to give the main bus route north to south priority.  This will not happen immediately but will be subject to 'tweaking' once the traffic lights are installed.

·         Work will start in January 2024 and potentially finish by April.


Members were supportive of the changes.



The Cabinet Member for Transport approved the City Centre South scheme.