Issue - meetings

Portsmouth Public Transport Strategy

Meeting: 23/03/2023 - Cabinet Member for Traffic & Transportation (Item 26)

Portsmouth Public Transport Strategy

Purpose of Report

This report was requested by the Cabinet Member for Traffic and Transportation.


The purpose of this report is to provide an overview of the forthcoming Portsmouth Public Transport Strategy, including key milestones and an indicative timeline to adoption.

Additional documents:


Hayley Chivers, Transport Planning Manager, presented the information only report and advised the purpose of the report was to provide an overview of the forthcoming Portsmouth Public Transport Strategy, including key milestones and an indicative timeline to adoption.


Members' questions

In relation to Members' questions, officers clarified:


·          The ultra-zero emissions strategy will be looking at electric vehicles and alternative fuels.


·         The development of the Breeze App and mobility service is being led by Solent Transport and future transport zone team including PCC officers.  This will come into the strategy at some point along with elements around ticketing and the journey planning elements.



The Cabinet Member noted the report which was for information only.