St Jude's School Streets permanent infrastructure
Purpose of report
The purpose of this report is to make recommendations for St Jude's CE Primary School Streets infrastructure following a series of engagement meetings with parents, residents and the school and to seek approval for the installation of infrastructure measures around the school under an Experimental Traffic Regulation Order (ETRO).
It is recommended that the Cabinet Member for Traffic and Transportation:
1. Approves creating a School Street via the installation of resident only access signs with times of operation displayed on St Nicholas Street, Pembroke Close and Penny Street at the point of entry from Pembroke Road.
2. Approves that this installation will be for a minimum 18 months under Experimental Traffic Regulation Order (ETRO). If the outcome of the initial 6-month consultation is that respondents are in favour of a permanent school street then the addition of removeable bollards will be investigated.
Additional documents:
Michelle Love, Safer Travel Manager, presented the report and advised that the purpose of the report was to make recommendations for St Jude's CE Primary School Streets infrastructure following a series of engagement meetings with parents, residents and the school and to seek approval for the installation of infrastructure measures around the school under an Experimental Traffic Regulation Order (ETRO).
Members' questions
In response to Members' questions, officers clarified:
· The trial was manned by volunteers from the school and local community with some assistance from the Council.
· St Jude's School is within a cul-de-sac area with Peacock Lane, St Nicholas Street and Poynings Place and the residents in this area were primarily consulted but there was a wider consultation area as well. The consultation was also online.
· The resident's feedback from the forum at St Jude's was available to share with Members once it had gone to the school, parents and residents that took part.
· To encourage parents and children there are incentive schemes available along with the Stomper App and Park and Stride Maps which mark out where it is possible to park should parents have to drive in, such as the pay and display bays on Pembroke Road. Normally around 65% of pupils live within half a mile to a mile of a school so it is about giving them the incentive to walk to school, if possible.
The Cabinet Member:
1. Approved creating a School Street via the installation of resident only access signs with times of operation displayed on St Nicholas Street, Pembroke Close and Penny Street at the point of entry from Pembroke Road.
2. Approved that this installation will be for a minimum 18 months under Experimental Traffic Regulation Order (ETRO). If the outcome of the initial 6-month consultation is that respondents are in favour of a permanent school street then the addition of removeable bollards will be investigated.