4 Private Sector Anti-Social Behaviour Co-ordinator Role PDF 102 KB
To update the cabinet member on the progress of the role of the private sector anti-social behaviour co-ordinator (PS ASB co-ordinator).
RECOMMENDED that the report be noted.
Roy Goulding, Head of Community Safety introduced the report and presented Simon Newell, Private Sector Anti-Social Behaviour Coordinator.
In response to questions from members, they explained that:
· If Simon is involved, the case is included in the cases listed in the report at section 3.4.
· Wardens deal with approximately 1,000 incidents each officer per year bu this can be higher.
· Referrals come from Councillors, members of the public and Housing Associations amongst a number of other partners.
· If complaints are received about dog fouling or dogs walking off lead in a cemetery, patrols in the area are increased. The officer looks to educate the offender or if necessary, carry out enforcement action.
· To assist with understanding demand and directing resources accordingly there are standard categories that are used to record the behaviour being addressed. Therefore, whilst there is a category for young people that will predominantly mean the main issue for those issues are related to the behaviour of young people it does not mean that they will not be included in some of the category headings. The caseworker is involved in complex casework so often whilst a main category is recorded it will often include elements of other subcategories.
Councillor Fazackarley confirmed that funding for the position had been secured and asked that future reports show a breakdown of cases over the different wards.
The report was noted.