Issue - meetings

Visitor Economy update

Meeting: 29/07/2022 - Cabinet Member for Culture, Leisure and Economic Development (Item 20)

Portsmouth Visitor Economy update

Purpose of report


The purpose of the report is to update Members on the Visit Portsmouth team's marketing activity, partnership working and research from January to June 2022.


Additional documents:


Jane Singh, Visitor Services and Development Manager, introduced the information only report and updated on the Visit Portsmouth team's marketing activity, partnership working and research from January to June 2022.


Members thanked the team for their hard work, observing they do the same amount of work as in previous years with a hugely reduced staff team. 


Officers clarified the engagement work they are carrying out with the Cruise lines to encourage passengers to consider visiting the city rather than heading to London or Salisbury for instance.  A service to greet customers has worked really well.  An event is being held in the autumn with agents to boost engagement.


The Cabinet Member for Culture, Leisure and Economic Development noted the report.