Issue - meetings

Musuems - National Portfolio Organisation bid

Meeting: 29/07/2022 - Cabinet Member for Culture, Leisure and Economic Development (Item 18)

Musuems - National Portfolio Organisation bid

Purpose of report


To update the Cabinet Member on the recent application to Arts Council England (ACE) for National Portfolio Organisation (NPO) funding.


Additional documents:


Jane Mee, Museums & Visitor Services Manager, introduced the information only report and updated on the recent application to Arts Council England (ACE) for National Portfolio Organisation (NPO) funding.


The aim of the bid is to involve and engage people in community settings and to develop relationships with people resulting in increased engagement and attendance at museums.  To work in genuine partnership with residents and focus on the north of the city.  The funding can make a real difference in the interests of the community.


Jane noted the demanding application process with the bid submitted in May 2022.  There is no guarantee of success as the applications are oversubscribed and it is very competitive. 


Members welcomed the thorough and well thought through bid and suggested that, should it not be successful this time, Portsmouth continue to apply in future years.  


The Chair welcomed the NPO bid noting that it sets the tone of Portsmouth's aspirations for the service development.  He observed it may be useful to go out and about engaging with residents to consider how to develop the relationship with them in a more modern and interactive way.


The Cabinet Member for Culture, Leisure and Economic Development noted the report.