36 School Funding Arrangements 2022-23 PDF 610 KB
The purpose of this report is to:
· Seek approval of the final stage submission to the Education and Skills Funding Agency (EFSA) by 21 January 2022 of the 2022-23 mainstream school revenue funding pro-forma for the Primary and Secondary Phases.
· Inform the Cabinet Member of the progress towards the initial determination of the schools budget (including individual schools budgets for 2022-23 and to seek the necessary approvals and endorsements required).
It is recommended that the Cabinet Member:
· Approve the proposed changes to the mainstream schools revenue funding arrangements as set out in Section 5.
· Approve the school revenue funding pro-forma at Appendix 4 for submission to the ESFA on 21 January 2022.
· Approve the use of the carry forward on the Schools Specific Contingency for the same purpose in 2022-23.
· Approve the budget to be held centrally for the payment of central licences negotiated nationally for all schools by the Secretary of State.
· Approve the use of the 2021-22 underspend on the Growth Fund for use for the same purpose in 2022-23.
· Endorse the Growth Fund:
Budget for 2022-23 as set out in Appendix 1
Criteria for 2022-23 as set out in Appendix 3
· Endorse the budgets to be held centrally specifically:
Schools Forum
Duties retained by the local authority for all schools
Additional documents:
The report was introduced by Angela Mann, Finance Manager.
In response to questions officers clarified the following:
In terms of the reduction of hours in early years, demographics are a major factor in this due to the falling birth rate. Some parents did hold back on sending their child to nursery, but this has recently increased and is getting back to near normal levels. Year R pupil numbers are lower, but this was forecasted due to a decrease in birth rates.
This was the same report that Schools Forum endorsed at their meeting last week.
DECISIONS: The Cabinet Member:
· Approved the proposed changes to the mainstream schools
revenue funding arrangements as set out in Section 5.
· Approved the school revenue funding pro-forma at Appendix 4 for
submission to the ESFA on 21 January 2022.
· Approved the use of the carry forward on the Schools Specific
Contingency for the same purpose in 2022-23.
· Approved the budget to be held centrally for the payment of central licences negotiated nationally for all schools by the Secretary of State.
· Approved the use of the 2021-22 underspend on the Growth Fund
for use for the same purpose in 2022-23.
· Endorsed the Growth Fund:
Budget for 2022-23 as set out in Appendix 1
Criteria for 2022-23 as set out in Appendix 3
· Endorsed the budgets to be held centrally specifically:
- Schools Forum
- Admissions
- Duties retained by the local authority for all schools