Issue - meetings

Children, Families and Education Portfolio 2020/21 Outturn report (information)

Meeting: 15/07/2021 - Cabinet Member for Children, Families and Education (Item 22)

22 Children, Families and Education Portfolio 2020/21 Outturn report (information) pdf icon PDF 427 KB


To inform the Cabinet Member of the revenue outturn position in respect of the portfolio cash limit and capital programme for the financial year 2020/21. This report sets out the budget position and contributing factors to the final portfolio cash limit underspend at the end of the year.


RECOMMENDED that the Cabinet Member:

Notes the Children, Families and Education Portfolio revenue and capital outturn positions, as at the end of March 2021, together with the variance explanations.




The report was introduced by Angela Mann, Finance Manager.


In response to questions, officers clarified the following:


Officers are looking strategically to maximise working together to respond to the obvious demand of support for young people across the city. The holiday activity and food programme will provide a rich offer over the summer and officers are promoting this.  There was very high take up of the offer at Easter. 


Councillor Norton asked for assurances that any underspend will stay in the portfolio.  Councillor Horton said she had been in discussions with officers and they are looking to lean into the Stronger Futures investment and family safeguarding and employing more people to do that on an invest to save basis.  Councillor Norton was not entirely satisfied with this assurance; he felt that other portfolios would be fighting for this money.


Councillor Smith said she felt that the most important thing was to look after Children and Families, Adult Social Care and health.  She was confident that Councillor Horton would fight hard for the portfolio and that the Children and Families portfolio could keep the underspend to develop the Stronger Futures and family safeguarding services further.


Alison Jeffery added that the authority is on a good trajectory and should in principle, not return to a significant overspend next year as the investment in family safeguarding has enabled the authority to keep families together and they are therefore spending less on alternative care.  In terms of CAMHS the current waiting list issue relates to problems with staff recruitment not sufficiency of funding.



The Cabinet Member noted the Children, Families and Education portfolio revenue and capital outturn positions, as at the end of March 2021, together with the variance explanations.