Issue - meetings

Seafront Masterplan

Meeting: 15/09/2020 - Cabinet (Item 5.)

5. Seafront Masterplan Supplementary Planning Document (SPD) pdf icon PDF 237 KB

The purpose of report by the Assistant Director, Planning and Economic Growth, is to:


·         Report to Members the results of the February-March 2019 public consultation;

·         Advise Members of the content of the draft Seafront Masterplan SPD;

·         Advise Members on the engagement strategy on the draft Seafront Masterplan SPD and associated documents

·         To seek Members' endorsement of the approach.



(1)  Members note the summary of representations received during the February-March 2019 public consultation on the options for the Seafront Masterplan and the issues raised;


(2)  Members note the content of the revised draft Seafront Masterplan SPD; and approve the document and other associated documents for a period of 6 weeks of public consultation; and


(3)  The Assistant Director, Planning and Economic Growth be authorised to, if necessary, make editorial amendments to the wording of the Seafront Masterplan SPD and any associated documents prior to publication, in consultation with the Cabinet Member for Planning, Policy and City Development.  These amendments shall be restricted to correcting errors and formatting text and shall not alter the meaning of the document(s).


Additional documents:


1.    Members note the summary of representations received during the February-March 2019 public consultation on the options for the Seafront Masterplan and the issues raised;


2.    Members note the content of the revised draft Seafront Masterplan SPD; and approve the document and other associated documents for a period of 6 weeks of public consultation; and


3.    The Assistant Director, Planning and Economic Growth be authorised to, if necessary, make editorial amendments to the wording of the Seafront Masterplan SPD and any associated documents prior to publication, in consultation with the Cabinet Member for Planning, Policy and City Development. These amendments shall be restricted to correcting errors and formatting text and shall not alter the meaning of the document(s).