8. Recommendations from the Cabinet Meeting held on 26 February 2019 PDF 287 KB
To receive and consider the attached open report and recommendations by the Cabinet held on 26 February 2019. The exempt appendices which went to Cabinet are not included as they do not relate to the recommendations before Council.
Additional documents:
8. Ravelin Group of Companies PDF 287 KB
The report by the Director of Regeneration sets out the purpose and key objectives for Ravelin Hold Co and any incorporated subsidiaries.
(Appendices B & C contain exempt legal advice)
Additional documents:
The Cabinet APPROVED:
(1) That the business case and purpose for Hold Co be approved, including delegating authority to the Director Regeneration and City Solicitor in consultation with the s.151 officer to create a new subsidiary company to support the delivery of HRA projects with development management and project management services.
(2) To note that the need for the creation of a fit-for-purpose Board of Directors for each of the incorporated Ravelin companies based around an understanding of the skillsets required to support the company in both a commercial and local authority environment.
(3) That new directors are appointed to Hold Co and Prop Co to ensure the companies can remain quorate and able to trade.
And RECOMMENDED TO COUNCIL approval of the following recommendations:-
(4) That authority is delegated to the Director of Finance and Section 151 Officer in consultation with the Leader of the Council, upon agreement of the business justification case's for each of the proposed development sites, to:-
(i) make changes to the budgetary framework as necessary
(ii) To borrow as required for Ravelin Group development purposes, subject to a robust financial appraisal approved by the Director of Finance & S151 Officer that demonstrates the delivery of the best return to Portsmouth City Council and has proper regard to the following:
· The relevant capital and revenue costs and income resulting from the investment over the whole life of the development.
· The extent to which the investment is expected to deliver a secure ongoing income stream.
· The level of expected return on the investment.
· The payback period of the capital investment.
· The tax status and transactional tax events associated with any land transfers or activity of the companies.