9 Longdean Lodge development for Supported Housing PDF 104 KB
The report by the Director of Housing, Neighbourhood and Building Services seeks approval from Cabinet Member for Housing to instruct Housing, Neighbourhood and Building's Design Team to deliver a new development of 13 flats on the redundant Longdean Lodge site. It also seeks approval of the financial appraisal delivering 13 new properties, this in turn delivers new homes for 28 adults with learning disabilities within the Supported Housing Portfolio. The development could potentially deliver annual savings to the general fund of c.£325,000 p.a. Due to the provision of a six month building occupation time. It is estimated that this could be realised in full from November 2021.
(1) the Cabinet Member for Housing approves Capital Expenditure of £6.6m, to deliver 13 new properties housing 28 adults with Learning disabilities, comprising of five, 4 bed shared flats and eight, 1 bed flats to be held in the Supported Housing Portfolio within the Housing Revenue Account.
(2) the Cabinet Member for Housing delegates authority to the Head of Housing, Neighbourhood and Building Services in consultation with the Head of Finance & S151 Officer to amend the composition and spending profile of the proposed schemes in order to meet planning and design requirements and also to agree the use of either Grant funding or 141 receipts whilst ensuring that the schemes remain financially viable following any necessary changes.
(3) the Cabinet Member for Housing delegates the Director of Housing, Neighbourhood and Building to apply for any grant funding to support the scheme.
(4) delegation is given to the Director of Housing, Neighbourhood and Building Services, Director of Regeneration and the Section 151 Officer to agree the value and appropriation of land between the General fund and Housing Revenue Account.
Additional documents:
The Cabinet Member for Housing:
(1) approved Capital Expenditure of £6.6m, to deliver 13 new properties housing 28 adults with Learning disabilities, comprising of five, 4 bed shared flats and eight, 1 bed flats to be held in the Supported Housing Portfolio within the Housing Revenue Account.
(2) delegated authority to the Head of Housing, Neighbourhood and Building Services in consultation with the Head of Finance & S151 Officer to amend the composition and spending profile of the proposed schemes in order to meet planning and design requirements and also to agree the use of either Grant funding or 141 receipts whilst ensuring that the schemes remain financially viable following any necessary changes.
(3) delegated the Director of Housing, Neighbourhood and Building to apply for any grant funding to support the scheme.
(4) Delegated the Director of Housing, Neighbourhood and Building Services, Director of Regeneration and the Section 151 Officer to agree the value and appropriation of land between the General fund and Housing Revenue Account.
Alison Cloutman, Supported Housing Business Manager, presented the report of the Director of Housing, Neighbourhood and Building Services. This site in Paulsgrove is a replacement site for new building of supported housing, which had a continued demand (as evidenced by the previous year's review by the Housing & Social Care Scrutiny Panel). The intention was to provide accommodation which was bespoke to the needs of the residents, in shared accommodation and independent living for adults with learning disabilities. This would not need a change of use due to the previous use as Longdean Lodge. The site also offered good transport links by bus into Cosham and into the City Centre.
Deputations are not minuted in full but can be viewed on the webcast here:
Ward councillors Jo Hooper and Gemma New attended to raise questions on behalf of local residents. In response Jo Bennett, Head of Business Relationships, Growth & Support, reported:
· Residents would be involved in consultation but this was currently at a pre-application stage
· As a standard part of the pre-application the soil would be examined to see if there are contamination levels, and if so how this could be dealt with
· As part of the design stage the construction movements would be looked at to ensure that there is consideration shown to nearby residents and they would be aware of when noisy work was planned
· This had been a redundant site with the building being decommissioned and demolished
· The grant funding arrangements were explained with an application being made to Homes England or there could be a contribution of right to buy receipts up to 30% of the value of the development
· Whilst particular individuals may change the client group for the scheme remained for vulnerable adults needing the planned level of support, with the scheme being commissioned for Adult Social Care.
Councillor Coles had no extra questions following those by the ward councillors.
Councillor Sanders had previously chaired the Housing & Social Care Scrutiny Panel referred to and he thanked his predecessor as Cabinet Member for Housing Councillor Jennie Brent, as well as the Cabinet Member with responsibility for Adult Social Care Councillor Matthew Winnington and his predecessor Councillor Luke Stubbs for their parts in this important investment for the city. He asked that it be a meaningful and inclusive consultation with residents and that they know who to contact during the construction if there were problems as part of the construction management plan. Councillor Sanders also stressed the importance of involving the 3 ward councillors.
DECISIONS The Cabinet Member for Housing:
(1) approved Capital Expenditure of £6.6m, to deliver 13 new properties housing 28 adults with Learning disabilities, comprising of five, 4 bed shared flats and eight, 1 bed flats to be held in the Supported Housing Portfolio within the Housing Revenue Account.
(2) delegated authority to the Head of Housing, Neighbourhood and Building Services in consultation with the Head of Finance & S151 Officer to amend the composition and spending profile of the proposed schemes in order ... view the full minutes text for item 9