7. Recommendations from the Cabinet meeting held on 5 February 2019 PDF 676 KB
To receive and consider the recommendations of the Cabinet meeting held on 5 February (to follow), the report for which is attached.
Additional documents:
7. PCC Budget and Council Tax 2019/20 and Medium Term Budget Forecast PDF 658 KB
The purpose of the report by the Director of Finance and Section 151 Officer (which is also being considered by full Council on 12 February) is to set the Council's overall Budget for the forthcoming year 2019/20 and the associated level of Council Tax necessary to fund that Budget.
The report makes recommendations on the level of Council spending for 2019/20 and the level of Council Tax in the context of the Council's Medium Term Financial Strategy with its stated aim as follows
Overall aim: "in year" expenditure matches "in year" income over the medium term whilst continuing the drive towards regeneration of the City, being innovative, creative and protecting the most important and valued
The recommended Budget for 2019/20 has been prepared on the basis of the decisions taken by the City Council on the 11 December 2018 relating to:
• An increase in the level of Council Tax for 2019/20 for general purposes of 2.99%
• A continuation of the opportunity to increase the level of Council Tax for an "Adult Social Care Precept" within the limits set by Central Government (i.e. a 1.5% increase for 2019/20), and the direct passporting of that additional funding to Adult Social Care to provide for otherwise unfunded cost pressures.
• The approved budget savings amounting to £4m
The report also provides a comprehensive revision of the Council's rolling 3 year future financial forecast for the new period 2020/21 to 2022/23 (i.e. compared to the previous forecast covering 2019/20 to 2021/22, this forecast now replaces the forecast for the previous 3 year period). The forecast considers the future outlook for both spending and funding, and in that context, wider recommendations are made regarding the levels of reserves to be maintained and additional contributions to the Capital Programme in order to meet the Council's aspirations for the City as well as maintaining the Council's overall financial resilience.
The recommendations in the report were referred to Council for approval, and are therefore not subject to call-in.