14 Children and Families Portfolio Budget Monitoring for the Second Quarter 2018-19 PDF 306 KB
To inform the Cabinet Member of the projected revenue expenditure within the portfolio cash limit and capital programme for the current financial year 2018-19. This report sets out the budget position and contributing factors to the projected year-end overspend within the portfolio as at the end of September 2018.
That the Cabinet Member:
1) Notes the Children and Families Portfolio forecast budget position, at the end of September 2018, of £5.6m in excess of current approved cash limit provision;
2) Supports the ongoing process of budget review and implementation of proposals to reduce the projected overspend position and move towards the delivery of a balanced budget within the area of Children's Social Care; and;
3) Notes the position in respect of the approved capital schemes for the portfolio.
The Cabinet Member
1) Noted the Children and Families Portfolio forecast budget position, at the end of September 2018, of £5.6m in excess of current approved cash limit provision.
2) Supported the ongoing process of budget review and implementation of proposals to reduce the projected overspend position and move towards the delivery of a balanced budget within the area of Children's Social Care.
3) Noted the position in respect of the approved capital schemes for the portfolio
Graham Smith, Group Accountant, introduced the report and highlighted the following areas:
· that there was an overspend of £5.6m which was attributable to the Children’s Social Care and Safeguarding service and was continuing to grow.
· The overspend on Looked After Children placements was currently projected at £4.170k, an increase of £419,000 since the beginning of the year, as a result of increased numbers of children and placement costs.
· That there was also a probable shortfall of income, within the adoption and fostering service primarily as a consequence of not having adopters available for possible usage by other agencies.
· It was noted that there had been an offer from Oxfordshire to take a total of ten unaccompanied minors over the next ten months. Placements were also being found in West Sussex, Hampshire and Surrey.
The Cabinet Member
1) Noted the Children and Families Portfolio forecast budget position, at the end of September 2018, of £5.6m in excess of current approved cash limit provision.
2) Supported the ongoing process of budget review and implementation of proposals to reduce the projected overspend position and move towards the delivery of a balanced budget within the area of Children's Social Care.
3) Noted the position in respect of the approved capital schemes for the portfolio.