Issue - meetings

Victoria Park HLF bid

Meeting: 08/12/2017 - Cabinet Member for Culture, Leisure and Sport (Item 20)

20 Victoria Park HLF bid pdf icon PDF 106 KB


Purpose of report

To seek endorsement for submission of a Round 1 bid to the Heritage Lottery Fund for Victoria Park and seek to secure the required match funding should the bid be successful.



RECOMMENDED that the Cabinet Member endorses the submission of a Round 1 application and instructs officers to secure match funding through the city council's Capital Bid process.





The report was introduced by Adrian Rozier, Service Manager - Parks and Open Spaces.  He added that the Heritage Lottery Fund had withdrawn the Parks for People Programme last week without notice which was a slight concern, however there is still a funding stream available.  In light of this announcement, officers were proposing to amend the application slightly before submitting the application. 


Councillor Symes as Cabinet member said that nothing had been agreed by the council in terms of changes to the park and that a full consultation would take place. 


Councillor Morgan said he supported using CIL for a community project when appropriate and felt it was important this was a project carried out with the community.


Councillor Pitt referred to the earlier consultation that took place on the park and said this should be published to help make the public understand the process. 


In response to a question from councillor Pitt, Mr Rozier said he did not know whether the works to the Lodge would be a threat to this bid but if the council get to the development phase they would need to get a designated team involved and would also need to complete a conservation plan.  Councillor Symes added that that this would be in the remit of the Planning, Regeneration and Economic Development (PRED) portfolio. 


The Cabinet said she was very happy with this proposal. 



DECISION: the Cabinet Member endorsed the submission of a round 1 application and instructed officers to secure match funding though the city council's capital bid process.