Issue - meetings

Dedicated Schools Grant budget monitoring for the second quarter

Meeting: 15/12/2016 - Cabinet Member for Education (Item 18)

18 Dedicated Schools Grant budget monitoring for the second quarter pdf icon PDF 177 KB

Purpose of report

To inform the Cabinet Member for Education of the projected revenue expenditure within the Dedicated Schools Grant (DSG) for the current financial year 2016-17 as at the end of September 2016. 



RECOMMENDED that the Cabinet Member:


(1)  Notes the forecast year-end budget position for the Dedicated Schools Grant as at the end 30th September 2016, together with the associated explanations contained within this report.


(2)  Approves the increase to the budget for 3&4 year olds in PVI settings and the DSG grant to reflect the increased numbers in the January 2016 Census, as detailed in paragraph 4.13.





The report was introduced by Alison Egerton, Group Accountant.


Councillor Young thanked officers for their work in preparing this and was pleased that there is a plan in place to address the costs of the out of city placements.   


DECISIONS: the Cabinet Member:

(1)  Noted the forecast year-end budget position for the Dedicated Schools Grant as at the end 30th September 2016, together with the associated explanations contained within the report.


(2)  Approved the increase to the budget for 3&4 year olds in PVI settings and the DSG grant to reflect the increased numbers in the January 2016 Census, as detailed in paragraph 4.13.