Issue - decisions

Retendering the bus routes - explain process to members and keep them involved in the process

22/01/2016 - Retendering the bus routes (New Contracts from 27 March 2016)

The Cabinet Member for Traffic & Transportation:


1.    Noted the current financial pressure as a result of the concessionary reimbursement;


2.    Gave approval for the award of contracts for supported bus services to operate for 3 years from Sunday 27 March 2016 in accordance with Appendix A.


3.    Acknowledged that the bus services outlined in Appendix B contain a list of tendered services and that some of those services will be run commercially (at no cost to the council) and the remainder are the tendered bus routes that are the least value for money. Therefore it is recommended that they are no longer financially supported; with the exception of the 19/19A service which will be retained.


4.    The Director of Transport, Environment and Business Support was given delegated authority to remove bus stop infrastructure from redundant routes as appropriate;


5.    The Director of Transport, Environment and Business Support was given delegated authority to make any necessary adjustments in consultation with the Cabinet Member for Traffic and Transportation for any variations to the contract award within procurement rules and overall approved budget for the Traffic and Transportation Portfolio.


N.B. This decision is not subject to call-in due to the timing implications this would have on securing bus routes in the city, as agreed by the Monitoring Officer and in consultation with the Chair of Scrutiny Management Panel.