Issue - decisions

Children's Lives in Portsmouth - A response to the key issues highlighted by the Children's Society in the recent report

30/11/2016 - Children's Lives in Portsmouth - A response to the key issues highlighted by the Children's Society in the recent report



The report was introduced by Alison Jeffery, Director of Children's Services.  In response to a suggestion from Councillor Wood that the service work with local businesses due to the council's diminishing budgets, Alison Jeffery advised that following an event last week at Portsmouth Football Club there have already been positive developments.  These included running a mini football league for care leavers and staff and using the PFC mascot in the recruitment literature for foster carers. Officers are also increasingly looking more outwardly for opportunities and are recruiting more volunteers.  Councillor Wood was very encouraged to hear about these initiatives.


The Cabinet Member noted the report.


Councillor Brent wished to record his thanks to officers for their reports.