Agenda item

Isambard Brunel Road Temporary TRO

Report by the Director of Transport, Environment & Business Support.  The purpose of the report is to seek approval to implement a temporary traffic regulation order (TTRO) facilitate the redevelopment of the Chaucer House site in Isambard Brunel Road.



Approval was given to implement  a temporary traffic regulation order for up to 2 years but that only the bus lane closure is implemented immediately with a formal report back in March 2017 (or earlier if needed) by the Director of Transport, Environment & Business Support having reviewed the position.


A written deputation had been circulated from Viv Young and Chris Dixon on behalf of the taxi trade, expressing concern for private hire drivers.  A deputation was made by Roger Inkpen on behalf of the Portsmouth Cycle Forum in support the proposal to make the city centre route easier for cyclists and he hoped that this would not be impeded.  Viv Young then expanded on the written deputation and clarified that 7 sets of lights were on the alternative route, so there would be knock on effects and problems with use of the station route, therefore they would favour leaving the 2 lanes and just taking out the bus lane during the construction work.


Councillor Stagg felt that as this was not a permanent arrangement and was needed for the building work to take place. 


Claire Upton-Brown, Assistant Director for Culture & City Development, was present to explain the background to the proposals for the redevelopment.  With the release of the Chaucer House site a compound was needed for the demolition and construction work, with the aim of creating a better public realm in this area for the future.  A temporary traffic regulation order (TTRO) was therefore needed for safety during the demolition. 


Claire Upton-Brown further reported that new student accommodation would be opening in the area at Greetham Street (during the TTRO period) and the pedestrian flow would be affected which would need to be assessed.  The subway by Chaucer House would also be taken out.


Councillor Fleming, as Cabinet Member, was aware of the implications of the TTRO and had spent a lot of time discussing this, and would therefore wish to have the 2 year TTRO but only implement the bus lane closure immediately, which would then allow the effect on traffic movement through the area to be reviewed.  The reason for this was that there were extensive works due to take place later in October at the Dockyard during which the majority of their traffic would need to use the nearby Unicorn Gate.  There was currently work taking place on the proximate Alfred Road junction, and Councillor Fleming raised concerns about the cumulative impact of these schemes on the local road network in the city centre.


The Director of Transport, Environment & Business Support, was asked to bring another report back in March 2017 (or earlier if needed) to confirm the position in relation to the partial implementation of the TTRO. 


Councillor Fleming asked Viv Young to relay the importance of the smooth operation of the amended scheme to his colleagues for the assessment of the trial period.


Discussion also took place regarding the 'pinch point' for traffic by the station where people mistakenly thought it was a pedestrian crossing whereas they did not have right of way; Councillors Stagg and Potter felt this needed clearer signage.  This had been brought in to slow down traffic in both directions and the Director of Transport, Environment & Business Support would give consideration to the need for appropriate signage.


DECISION: Approval was given to implement  a temporary traffic regulation order for up to 2 years but that only the bus lane closure is implemented immediately with a formal report back in March 2017 (or earlier if needed) by the Director of Transport, Environment & Business Support having reviewed the position.

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